LIPA Has Sufficient Electric Supply to Meet Customer Demand; However, Customers Still Advised to Conserve Energy Wherever Possible

LIPA activates LIPAedge energy conservation program to lower peak use. Only customers enrolled in energy conservation program will experience slight curtailment of their air conditioning and pool pumps.

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Uniondale, NY — July 18th, 2013 The Long Island Power Authority (LIPA) today announced that it is continuing to closely monitor the weather and electric usage in the downstate area. Throughout this week’s heat wave, the LIPA system has performed well, with only limited outages occurring from the excessive heat resulting in unusual strain on localized electrical equipment. LIPA continues to have extra crews available to respond to any scattered power outages, which may be associated with the hot weather and has been able to quickly restore any outages experienced thus far.

LIPA also activated its LIPAedge energy conservation program today, which helps LIPA reduce stress on the electrical system and improve reliability during high periods of extremely high energy usage. LIPA invested in the peak load reduction program to provide customers with additional value during extreme heat situations. LIPA's load forecasts and state-mandated capacity requirements are based on peak-use. Initiating LIPAedge will potentially reduce these requirements, and costs, by experiencing lower peaks on the hottest days. Activation of the program also allows LIPA to fully understand the program’s capability to reduce demand on peak load days such as today. The New York Independent System Operator, which is responsible for overseeing the operation of New York State’s power grid, also activated their Emergency Demand Response Program, which helps to reduce demand across the state’s power grid.

Only those approximately 31,000 customers who voluntarily participate in LIPAedge will experience slight curtailment on their central air-conditioning and pool pumps. LIPA can access these systems remotely with a special programmable thermostat that is provided to those program participants free of charge. Customers not enrolled in the program will not see any curtailment. TheLIPAedge Program was initiated at 2:00pm this afternoon and will run through 6:00pm.

“LIPA has a sufficient supply to meet customer demand; however, these additional steps will reduce stress on the electrical system and can limit the amount of heat-related outages and restoration should they occur,” said John D. McMahon, chief operating officer for LIPA. “Additionally, we remain in close communication with our elected officials, municipalities, the office of emergency management, and our critical care customers and facilities during this sustained heat event.”

LIPA recommends the following tips for customers to limit the impact of hot weather and better manage their utility bills.

  • Closing curtains and blinds to keep the sun outside
  • Setting thermostats at 78 degrees or higher if health allows
  • Delaying use of major, heat generating household appliances such as ovens, stoves, dishwashers and dryers, until after 8 p.m. when the temperature begins to drop
  • Turning off non-essential appliances, electronics and other devices
  • Enrolling in Balanced Billing to avoid seasonal spikes in energy usage

Customers who experience an outage should call 1-800- 490-0025 or can visit LIPA’s storm center online at

LIPA, a non-profit municipal electric provider, owns the retail electric Transmission and Distribution System on Long Island and provides electric service to more than 1.1 million customers in Nassau and Suffolk counties and the Rockaway Peninsula in Queens. LIPA is the 2nd largest municipal electric utility in the nation in terms of electric revenues, 3rd largest in terms of customers served and the 7th largest in terms of electricity delivered. In 2011, LIPA outperformed all other overhead electric utilities in New York State for frequency and duration of service interruptions. LIPA does not provide natural gas service or own any on-island generating assets. More information about LIPA can be found online at