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Acupuncture is a method of alternative medicine. It is done by inserting small, thin needles into precise points on the body to manipulate a bodily energy known as qi. It has its origins in traditional Chinese medicine, which focuses on correcting imbalances in the qi that lead to illnesses, pain and other problems. Acupuncture is used to treat a number of bodily problems, including pain from injuries, nausea and vomiting, insomnia, arthritis, depression and other mental illnesses, drug dependencies, epilepsy and many other conditions. Some have also used it to either induce childbirth or alleviate the pain of labor. The ...Read More Acupuncture is a method of alternative medicine. It is done by inserting small, thin needles into precise points on the body to manipulate a bodily energy known as qi. It has its origins in traditional Chinese medicine, which focuses on correcting imbalances in the qi that lead to illnesses, pain and other problems. Acupuncture is used to treat a number of bodily problems, including pain from injuries, nausea and vomiting, insomnia, arthritis, depression and other mental illnesses, drug dependencies, epilepsy and many other conditions. Some have also used it to either induce childbirth or alleviate the pain of labor. The practice of acupuncture is gaining wide acceptance as a viable method of pain and stress relief in particular. Multiple studies have shown positive results in alleviating the side effects of chemotherapy and radiation treatments for cancer patients. It is often used alongside other alternative therapies like meditation, yoga and massage. Show Less
4 Weber Ave
in Malverne
376 Woodbury Road
in Hicksville
11 Stewart Avenue
in Huntington
162 Laurel Avenue
in Northport
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