
An Expert on Singles and Love, Thats me!

Written by lisingles  |  01. January 2000

Welcome all to my first of many installments. I have been named Expert of Singles Nightlife as well as Singles Advice, and I hope you find both here. If you have ANY questions about The Nightlife or any questions on relationships FEEL FREE to ask me. I'm not gonna say that I give the best advice (well, yeah I do) but I have definitely been through my share of enough that I could shed some light on an issue. As far as Where to go, with the summer club scene approaching rapidly, Wall St. is a good place to start. Its located in Hauppague on Rt. 347 and is 18 & over on Friday nights. Saturdays however definitely belongs to Mullcahy's in Nassau County. It's 21 & over so sorry kids! Finally on Sunday Nights there is the infamous Bawdy Barn out in the Hamptons. This is 21 & over as well, and is definitely not for the light hearted. There are also a lot of places with Live bands on Friday and Saturday nights. The Night Beat section of Thursday's Newsday ussually picks a 'Hot Spot' of the week, which never turns out to be that bad of a time. So go and find and when you're done...Tell me all about it! If you thhink there is some place I should feature in my "section" then tell me!!! Until next time....

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