Hello to All Long Islanders
Here you will find exciting, fun and creative ways to encourage your children to write. Educators and editors that have been in the writing field for many years created these exercises. So, enjoy and have fun with writing.
Every young person dreams of being a star of some sort. Here is your chance to make their dreams come true.
First - Ask your child if he or she would like to be on TV. Tell them you could make it happen. Give your child suggestions, would you like to tell the news, be the first astronaut on the Moon, be a rock star, etc.
Second: Have your child write a script for a TV show. Sit with your child and make sure all the ideas are there, and are understandable to an audience. Also make sure that all your child's ideas are written down and he or she says what they wanted to say.
Third - Give your child three words he or she would not use in their vocabulary to be used in the script. Remember that they will be reading what they wrote on the air. Rehearsals are important.
Fourth - Create a setting for your child's show, be as creative or simple as you like.(use props, a telephone, backdrop of curtains, anything) Have your child dress for the occasion.
Fifth - Invite the whole family to sit down and watch the show. Get out your camcorders for this event. Later that week, invite everyone you know, including your child's friends to watch this special show on your TV. (If you do not have access to a camcorder, make a TV from a large cardboard box.)
Good luck and please let us know if you enjoyed this fun and creative way to encourge your child to write.
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