Longisland.com's Wrestling Expert Area - Delivering EXPERT analysis on the current wrestling world!
Welcome back! Sorry, I have been jam packed with homework, and sports, and I finally have some time to write. I am sorry to say right now, kanerulz4.com is down for repairs, but will be back up shortly.
Here's my little review for WWF Smackdown! at the Nassau Coliseum.
I arrived at about 7 o'clock, a half hour before showtime (just got out of my volleyball game), and walked to my gate. Before getting to my seats, I picked up the Kurt Angle T-Shirt, and Olympic Medal, and then stopped in my seats. I was about 10 rows off the floor, and I had a perfect view of the ring. As usual, the WWF started with a selection of dark matches, with some "rookies". These matches were actually quite entertaining, and after a quick break, WWF Heat started up. This will air on Sunday Night's at 7 on MTV. There was a few decent matches and interviews on Heat, when the WWF staff switched the ring ropes from black to blue, and you know what that means, SMACKDOWN!
The opening music blasts and fireworks explode for about 15 seconds, kicking off the show. Well, the WWF really compiled a great show, with interviews with Stone Cold Steve Austin, The Rock, and many more. My highlight was seeing Kurt Angle, and his massive fireworks. Also, good performences from Raven. Hopefully, I will get the pictures out and post em' here, but until next time I will be working on my webpage for a re-opening. OH WAIT! How could I forget. My high school pep rally back in September was sparked with some wrestling flavor. I played the role of Kurt Angle, and insulted the senior class. Then, another member of the volleyball team, Sammy, came out as the Rock (looking just like him, and representing the seniors), and
did the little Rock shtick, and then People's Elbowed me in front of the over 700 people in attendence! Well, that's it for me, and it's true, it's true!
*** For all you first time visitors, here's a little background on me. ***
Now that that's out of the way, hello and welcome. Ever since I tuned into wrestling about 6 years ago, I have stuck with it. I am a WWF fan, and will always be one. At this page, you can learn about current happenings in pro wrestling, and about my history with the business.
About 3 years ago, I started my own wrestling website. It started off as a pretty lame site, hitting the basics. Some info, pictures, etc. After gathering some HTML skills, my site exploded, and became one of the most visited wrestling sites on the internet. 4 months ago, my site was tragically shut down. It has finally returned. It can now be visited at:
For those who watch pro wrestling on television, you know it's entertaining. After so many years of watching at home, I decided to get a piece of the action. I snagged myself 8th row seats, and I was ready to go. With these seats, I had also purchased a dinner and a chance meeting with 2 superstars. WOW. After my encounter with Ken Shamrock & Steve Blackman, I was hooked. (Ticket information is listed below)
The show was nothing less then incredible. Fireworks, TV Cameras, Wrestling, Lights. Amazing. I have soon returned 3 more times, and enjoyed every minute of it.
I have met many WWF superstars so far. Sable, Blackman, Shamrock, and Bob Backlund. I also have many collectables including many autographs.
Well, this is my first article here. Expect more to come in the future, televison results, latest news, and details on my newly revised website. It will hold WWF, WCW, ECW music files, video and more.
Please keep visiting this page, and tune in for latest updates! Oh, of course, can't forget two things.
The best places to see a live wrestling event would be one of these three:
- Nassau Veterans Memorial Colsiuem
- Madison Square Garden
- Continental Airlines Arena
All there are reachable with an hour or two, and it is worth the drive.
Please, drop me a line with comments, questions, or information at wrestling@longisland.com
Finally, I will list a few links to great wrestling sites on the internet:
The Wrestling News Network
The People's Wrestling Webpage
FONT size="2" face="Arail">JasonKarpin.com
Thanks - and keep tuning in ! Jeff LeBlanc - LongIsland.com Wrestling Expert
The People's Wrestling Webpage
FONT size="2" face="Arail">JasonKarpin.com
Thanks - and keep tuning in ! Jeff LeBlanc - LongIsland.com Wrestling Expert