TEL-Reiki Haven
Reiki: An Overview
Reiki (Ray-Key)energy comes from the Universal Life Force. It is beneficial in healing physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual aspects of the individual being treated. It can be used for self healing, as well as healing others.
Reiki does not conflict with other healing modalities, but dramatically improves the healing process.
Reiki is "Channeled" by a person who has been initiated by a Reiki Master. Reiki can expedite the healing process. Reiki restores the body's energy while one is recovering from a medical treatment, or health condition.
Reiki I: This workshop is the first of three degrees. The History of Reiki will be discussed, as well as Traditional Hand Positions for self healing and healing of others.
(Certification Given Upon Conpletion of Workshop)
Reiki II: This workshop is the second of three degrees. You will learn three Traditional reiki Symbols to do Distant and Absentee Healing, and Non-Traditional Symbols. Also you will practice sending Reiki Energy to classmates across the room.
(certification Given Upon Completion of Workshop)
Reiki III-Mastership: This workshop is the third and final degree. You will be instructed on how to become a Traditional Reiki Master/Teacher. You will learn how to attune others to the Reiki Ray, and how to pass attunements. Before you get certified, you must teach a Reiki I Workshop (Upon discretion of Teacher concerning Intensive Weekends, see below).
(Certification Given Upon Completion of Teaching Reiki I Workshop)
New Reiki Master In Training Workshop
This workshop consists of various hand positions that will be beneficial to people who have behavioral disorders (ADD, ADHD, Odd, Conduct Disorder, etc), as well as inform the student of other hand positions that will help alleviate dis-ease, and increase the Reiki Energy that is being utilized by the Reiki Practitioner.
(Certificate Given Upon Completion of This Workshop)
Anyone who would like to get re-attuned should contact me for an appointment. If you are getting re-attuned, please bring your original and a copy of your latest Reiki Certification.
Transition Time
If you are considering changing Reiki Masters, please give me a call. I will be more than happy to instruct you. You will be guided in Traditional and Non-Traditional reiki, and my lineage. Workshop notes will also be given with a training session.
Healing Circles
All are invited (practitioners or not) to come join in our monthly Reiki Healing Circle. Call for more information.
Intensive Weekends
Reiki I, II, and III-Mastership Workshops are being offered for a weekend (Saturday and Sunday). Cerification will be given for Reiki I, Reiki II, and Reiki III-Mastership. It will be up to the Reiki Master/Teacher if a Reiki I Workshop has to be taught by you before you receive the Reiki III-Mastership Certificate.
Rev. Dr. Mark Fearing
Tel# 631-736-4728
Fax# 631-736-5798
Traditional Reiki Master/Teacher
Tera-Mai Reiki Master/Teacher
Magnified Healing(R) Master-Teacher
Magnified Healing Celebration(R) Teacher
Gaia-Zen(TM) Founder, Facilitator/Teacher
Cherokee Medicine Man (Spirit Caller)
Body Alignment Therapy
Crystal/Gemstone Therapy
Chakra Balancing, and Alignment Therapy
Soul Retrieval
Spirit Walk
Advanced Psychic Development Classes
Mediumship Classes
Channeling Classes
Mediatorship Therapy(TM)
Social Worker
Ordained Minister
Elder Care Case Management