Prosperity Plus Management Consulting, Inc. is broadening its service menu in 2012 with a suite of new marketing programs designed to help dealers expand their business and generate revenue among new prospects. The New York-based consulting group said it will provide agency-level services including advertising, public relations (news releases, success stories), promotional communications (direct mail, email, newsletters), and graphic design for sales kits, brochures, postcards, websites and more.
"For several years, we've provided clients the ability to promote their business to new prospects through an affordable direct mail program," said Jim Kahrs, President and Founder of Prosperity Plus. "Direct mail is only one part of the puzzle. To generate the kind of revenue necessary to survive and expand in today's economy, you have to look at other creative ways to make your dealership known and remembered when a prospective customer is ready to buy or recommend your product or service. That takes some consistent branding and positioning, and it really should be handled by a team that knows the industry and knows how to manage marketing under some of the tightest budget parameters."
Prosperity Plus for its part has more than 60 years worth of professional marketing experience available through key people including Kahrs himself. The company's vice president, Tim Votapka is a veteran marketing communications professional with more than 15 years of B2B agency experience as an account executive. Karin Greene, the creative director at Prosperity Plus, has an equivalent tenure in B2B marketing, most of which has been at the helm of her own graphic design firm. Kahrs himself has over 20 years of direct knowledge in operations and marketing, and has the added benefit of having worked for both manufacturers and dealers during his career.
"With that kind of capability and expertise under our roof, it just made sense to assemble a division within Prosperity Plus that would handle the marketing functions that many dealerships cannot manage on their own, either because they can't find a qualified individual with the necessary skill set, or they can't afford to dedicate someone exclusively to marketing. We provide an option that gives dealers the means necessary to make their branding work without having to pay an exorbitant amount of cash."
As part of its new marketing services launch, Prosperity Plus is offering dealerships a free marketing analysis. That includes an evaluation of the dealership's current promotional material along with tactical recommendations for short- and long-term marketing. Dealerships interested in more info may contact Prosperity Plus directly at 631-382-7762 or email
Based in Smithtown, NY, Prosperity Plus Management Consulting, Inc. helps independent business products dealerships improve their operations and attain their personal and professional goals. The company is licensed to deliver consulting based on the very successful Hubbard Management System. Since the company's inception, Prosperity Plus has helped hundreds of dealerships throughout North America implement the principles of the Hubbard System to excellent results. In addition to this Prosperity Plus provides assistance with mergers and acquisitions of all sizes.