Yesterday was an old year and now it is history. Tomorrow will never come and that leaves only now.
You've heard this before and it makes sense. But how do we actually live for today? The best way that I know is to stop worrying. We don't worry about today as much as we worry about yesterday and tomorrow. We worry about what happened and what will happen. We can't worry about this exact moment because we are living it. We can change what we do in the next minute, but the one past is done.
The reason this matters is because it is up to us to choose our focus. We can look at yesterday with regret and look at tomorrow with fear - or we can decide to assign positive emotions to both. It is a choice. Try to be fearful while laughing. You can't. If you decide that tomorrow will be fun, then it just may be.
New Year's resolutions are often made with a hint of superstition. "Oh, I hope this is a good year. " Well, how about knowing it will be a good year instead? How about anticipating great things instead of hoping for the best? If you study the mindset of happy people you will discover that they usually think with optimism and not with fear.
You can do this. Suppose, for example, a tree falls on your house ... caves in the den ... the damage is extraordinary. Where do you go from here? "Why me // What will I do // How will we ever get this out of here and fixed // is the Insurance company going to give me a hard time // I don't have the time for this // I thought this would be a good year..." or...
"I wonder if I can hang my new lamp on that outstretched branch for better lighting in here // Hmmm ... I wonder if this is telling me something. The mighty oak is inflexible and broke in the wind, but the little blades of grass are unbroken. Maybe this happening is a reminder of the value of being flexible // No one was hurt - see, only good things happen to me"
Your attitude and approach are your choice. Not only will a happy, easy-going attitude help make situations more agreeable, but such an attitude can actually change the unfolding or the level of difficulty to come by putting forth an energy that sustains goodness.
Here's to Goodness and Great Attitudes in 2007. Hold up your glass with me and CHEERS!