Finding Hope Through Hardship - How Faith Can Help

As I summoned up the courage to visualize what the upcoming year holds for both myself and my daughter, my gaze fell on an adorable angel situated on my shelf emblazoned with the inspirational words ...

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               As I summoned up the courage to visualize what the upcoming year holds for both myself and my daughter, my gaze fell on an adorable angel situated on my shelf emblazoned with the inspirational words of ‘Prayer Changes Things’. I felt an immediate sense of calm as I recited the words in my head. These words will undoubtedly resonate in my mind and ultimately become my personal mantra throughout the ensuing months as I struggle to overcome both emotional and financial setbacks associated with the initiation process of SPA-otherwise known as separated parent anonymous.  Yes, I know, my humor is bit lame but I’m working on it. As it is with everything in life, practice makes perfect.  Believe me: a little humor goes a long way towards easing emotional pain and warding off the fog of depression.  As I focused more intently upon my aforementioned angel, I came to the realization that the recent events of my life smacks of synchronicity. 

Is it possible that there are unseen forces in the guise of angels that have skillfully orchestrated the sequence of events in my latest hairpin turn on this journey called life?  Let me ponder that for a moment. I give a resounding YES! I don’t know exactly what actually made me come out of the ether that I was in and finally accept my marital disintegration but I will say it was the work of angels - both human and ethereal. I then proceeded to take the necessary steps to regain control of my life. It wasn’t easy. Thus, my spiritual transformation is well underway for 2012. For me, this translates into a reconnect with a higher power as well as belief in the existence of celestial beings such as angels that can assist in altering destiny if the individual so chooses. This belief has enabled me to attain a high level of equanimity in order to deal with the enormous amount emotional turmoil associated with everyday life without the need for medication.

                I’m sure that there are many people who have shared a similar naïve conceptualization of marriage. I erroneously assumed that once I had my fairytale wedding that my future would reflect the storybook ending of - happily ever after!  Wow! I never thought in a million years that my marriage would end up in the proverbial toilet - divorce. Major life crises provide a custom tailored learning environment which catapults the human target to experience exponential growth in both knowledge and philosophical enlightenment. I don’t mean when you have 15 minutes to get to work and it is bumper to bumper traffic. Yes, I know that this constitutes a crisis but it is not the type that I had in mind. Having stepped deep in marital muck I began to question my viewpoints on spiritual matters and one in particular was regarding angels.  I took a minute to reflect on why belief in angels has withstood the test of time and why I had a hard time believing they exist.  

 Although I had been exposed to fragments of angelic lore here and there throughout my childhood, I really didn’t pay much attention to the underlying spiritual messages of hope until now. The Bible is rife with mentions of angels peppered throughout, as are many other religious texts. The term ‘angel’ means shining being. I had always believed that angels were mythical beings much like unicorns, the fruit of an overactive imagination.  The primary reason for this visceral disbelief was that angels were relegated to the invisible realm and I, like many others (who lean more toward the scientific) require tangible evidence before faith kicks in. Unfortunately, no technological device existed then or now that can detect them.  This would entail a device that would ‘magically’ render the invisible- visible much like an electron microscope.  This microscope provides the tangible evidence that things unseen can exist. Thus, we would still be living in a time where a cell was considered to be the smallest component of biological organisms instead of organelles such as mitochondria or ribosomes. Many people will agree with my assessment - Seeing is believing!

It is very difficult to have faith in something that is intangible but I find that it is well worth the effort.  Since I took that leap of faith I have had countless blessings in my life! Listen to that inner voice that tells you that something is wrong! That is your angel trying to get through. It was hard for me because I was scared of what would happen to me and my daughter. I delayed the inevitable. However, the intensity of my distress was that I could not take it anymore. It  then took inspiration from both people and circumstances to  empower  me to take the necessary actions  despite the  fear that paralyzed me. I am much happier than I was and I am very grateful for the angels in my life. May 2012 be a year of transformation for you as well with the help of angels.  Happy New Year!


This Article was Written by Jackie Kingston.

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