110th Congress: Veteran Senate Legislation


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Of the 2,520-plus Senate bills introduced in the 110th Congress to date, the following are a selection of those of interest to the veteran community. Need more information? Let me know.


S.1409: 21st Century GI Bill of Rights Act of 2007
S.2026: Agent Orange Equitable Compensation Act.
S.2119: American Veterans Disabled for Life Commemorative Coin Act
S.2218: Atomic Veterans Medal Act of 2007
S.0961: Belated Thank You to the Merchant Mariners of World War II Act of 2007.
S.1163: Blinded Veterans Paired Organ Act of 2007.
S.1363: Bridging the Gap for Wounded Warriors Act
S.1097: Cold War Medal Act of 2007
S.1763: Cold War Medal Act of 2007
S.0986: Combat-Related Special Compensation Act of 2007
S.2309: Compensation for Combat Veterans Act
S.1326: Comprehensive Veterans Benefits Improvements Act of 2007.
S.1606: Dignified Treatment of Wounded Warriors Act
S.0713: Dignity for Wounded Warriors Act
S.0994: Disabled Veterans Fairness Act
S.0643: Disabled Veterans Insurance Act of 2007
S.1315: Disabled Veterans Insurance Improvement Act of 2007.
S.0326: Disabled Veterans Tax Fairness Act of 2007
S.1481: Fair and Reliable Medical Justice Act.
S.0057: Filipino Veterans Equity Act of 2007
S.0671: Filipino Veterans Family Reunification Act.
S.1480: Gold Star Parents Annuity Act of 2007
S.1065: Heroes at Home Act of 2007
S.1688: Higher Education Opportunity for Our National Guard and Reserve Soldiers Act.
S.1084: Homes for Heroes Act of 2007
S.1147: Honor Our Commitment to Veterans Act.
S.1822: Interest Relief Act.
S.2089: Medicare Prescription Drug Gap Reduction Act of 2007.
S.1196: Mental Health Care for Our Wounded Warriors Act.
S.2162: Mental Health Improvements Act of 2007
S.1349: Military and Veterans Traumatic Brain Injury Treatment Act
S.1645: Military Construction Veterans Affairs & Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 2008.
S.1005: Military Reservist & Veteran Small Business Reauthorization Act of 2007
S.1784: Military Reservist & Veteran Small Business Reauthorization & Opportunity Act 2007
S.0604: Military Retirees Health Care Protection Act
S.0723: Montgomery GI Bill Enhancement Act of 2007
S.0847: Multiple Sclerosis Time Period.
S.0648: National Guard and Reserve Retirement Modernization Act
S.0848: Prisoner of War Benefits Act of 2007
S.0793: Reauthorization of the Traumatic Brain Injury Act
S.0439: Retired Pay Restoration Act of 2007
S.1146: Rural Veterans Health Care Improvement Act of 2007.
S.1670: Servicemembers' Healthcare Benefits and Rehabilitation Enhancement Act of 2007
S.1441: State Veterans Home Modernization Act of 2007.
S.1444: Supply Our Soldiers Act of 2007.
S.0644: Total Force Montgomery GI Bill
S.1569: Veterans Advocacy Act of 2007.
S.1757: Veterans' Authorities Expansion Act of 2007.
S.1454: Veterans Burial Benefits Improvement Act of 2007
S.1468: Veterans Burial Benefits Improvement Act of 2007
S.0423: Veterans' Compensation Cost-of-Living Adjustment Act of 2007
S.1266: Veterans' Dignified Burial Assistance Act of 2007
S.0161: Veterans' Disability Compensation Automatic COLA Act.
S.0617: Veterans Eagle Parks Pass Act
S.1293: Veterans' Education and Vocational Benefits Improvement Act of 2007
S.0022: Veterans Educational Assistance Act of 2007
S.2142: Veterans Emergency Care Fairness Act of 2007.
S.0117: Veterans Health and Benefits Improvement Act of 2007
S.0815: Veterans Health Care Empowerment Act of 2007
S.2377: Veterans Health Care Quality Improvement Act
S.2330: Veterans Homelessness Prevention Act.
S.1096: Veterans Housing Benefits Enhancement Act of 2007
S.0415: Veterans' Memorials ... Protection Act of 2007
S.1314: Veterans Outreach Improvement Act of 2007.
S.2160: Veterans Pain Care Act of 2007
S.2027: Veterans' Pride Initiative Act
S.0479: Veterans Suicide Prevention Act
S.1233: Veterans Traumatic Brain Injury Rehabilitation Act of 2007.
S.1718: VETS Act.
S.0207: Voluntary Support for Reservists and National Guard Members Act
S.1283: Wounded Warrior Assistance Act of 2007.
S.2400: Wounded Warrior Bonus Equity Act.





--- Regards, Walt Schmidt