Well kids, I've received several letters from people inquiring exactly how this whole "Friendship First" is suppossed to be a good thing. All I can say is - I don't.
Sometimes chemistry works right from the get go. Sometimes it works after several encounters. And some of you might even experience it after several years. All I know is that a strong friendship is the best way to build a strong relationship.
Like for me, I usually rush into "Relationships" (by the way I'm convinced that word is evil) BUT I've recently met a guy who is very cool. He's interesting, has a lot of things to say, has a strong well-rounded opinion, and is a blast to hang with.
So this time I have come to the conclusion that I don't want to screw it up and I'm going to take it slow. I've had alot of experiences with men in the past - good and bad - and have found the best way is to start off as friends. But that doesn't work for everybody.
Keep the questions coming!