
Safety Measures to Take While Preparing For A Snow Storm

Written by Chelsea Triola  |  21. January 2014

Long Island residents are preparing themselves for the approaching snow storm that will be arriving today. The snow is predicted to be a large amount, so we have come up with some safety tips that will help you before, during and after the storm.

As a storm sets in, it is best to be fully prepared and take precautionary measures to avoid any harmful situations. This goes for on the road, your vehicle and inside your home. The American Red Cross states that an extremely important part of being well prepared is having a clear understanding of the assorted warnings and advisories that are reported.

  • A Winter Storm Outlook means that storm conditions are possible in the next two to five days.
  • A Winter Weather Advisory indicates that winter weather conditions are expected to cause significant inconveniences and may be hazardous; and if proper precautions are taken, conditions should not be life threatening.
  • A Winter Storm Watch is an alert that storm conditions are possible within the next 36 to 48 hours. People should make preparations and stay informed about weather conditions.
  • A Winter Storm Warning indicates life-threatening, severe conditions have begun or will begin within 24 hours. People should take immediate steps to insure safety.

Once you and your family are prepared for the storm, take a look at some of our general tips on staying safe during the snowstorm:

  • Be sure you are utilizing your heat properly inside your home to avoid any frozen pipes.
  • According to NFPA and USFA, if you are using a space heater, be sure to turn it off and unplug it when it’s not being used.
  • Do not use a stove or oven to heat your home, household members can become ill with carbon monoxide poisoning and can be put at a serious risk for burns.
  • Let your vehicle warm up before driving and be sure to check your tire pressure and battery which can both be affected by the cold air.
  • Give your pets extra protection and don’t keep them outside. If they are unable to live in your home, be sure they have proper shelter outside that will keep them warm and safe during the storm.
  • Have a first-aid kit on hand along with bottled water and a supply of non-perishable food.
  • Be sure to stock up on supplies including batteries, flashlights, candles, matches and blankets.
  • Be sure to feed your pets a little extra during the cold winter months so they have enough fueling calories to keep themselves warm.
  • Be alert while driving at all times. Keep an eye out for black ice and for other drivers. Some don’t take the same precautionary measures as others. Stay as far back as possible from the driver in front of you so you will not have a problem if they stop abruptly.

A significant part of during-the-storm safety includes shoveling. Take a look at the following shoveling safety tips offered by The National Safety Council:

  • Those over 40 years old or individuals, who are rather inactive, should be exceptionally careful.
  • Do not shovel without a doctor’s permission if you have a history with heart trouble.
  • Do not shovel while smoking or after eating.
  • Shovel slowly! Shoveling can raise your heart rate due to all the lifting, so it is best to pace yourself and stretch out before doing the task.
  • Shovel only fresh snow. The freshly fallen snow is easier to shovel than the packed-down snow.
  • As you shovel, push the snow rather than lift it out of your way. This will make it much easier on your back.
  • Use a small shovel so you don’t strain yourself by picking up too much.
  • Don’t lift with your back, use your legs. By keeping your back straight and bending and “sitting” into the movement will keep your spine upright and less stressed.
  • Do not work to the point of exhaustion. Take a break if you run out of breath.
  • Dress warmly and be sure to cover the places that need extra attention including your nose, ears, hands and feet.

PSEG Long Island has already thought about the snowstorm aftermath. They are as well preparing themselves for the service of Long Island residents. As PSEG awaits the storm, they are preparing for quick responses to any resulting power outages by doing the following:

  • Performing system checks on critical transmission & distribution equipment. This will arrange for contractors to assist the utility’s own skilled workforce.
  • Logistic checks will be performed ensuring the availability of fuel and other critical materials and supplies.
  • Coordinating with municipal and county emergency management personnel to inform them of the preparation work, what to expect and how the utility will respond.

Important Info to Keep on Hand

Do you have winter safety tips you would like to share with us? Comment below!

[Source: NFPAUSFAThe American Red Cross, The National Safety Council, PSEG Long Island]

Photo via the NWS's New York Twitter Page.

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