How do you treat the people you work with? Do you say hello in the morning or stare at something else as you walk by? Are you friendly or aloof? Are you only nice to those that you deem as necessary or can further your career?
If you feel disconnected, mistreated, or misunderstood, maybe it's not your co-workers, boss, or staff. Maybe it's you. The old saying "you give what you get" has been around for years for a reason. What you put into your relationships at work is what you get back. If you are great with the people around you, they will be great with you. (Even if it takes some time for them to come around.)
It is possible to enjoy and be fond of the people you work with. Does it take some effort? Yes. But the rewards are worth it. Imagine that you look forward to seeing your boss in the morning. Imagine that colleagues cooperate with you on projects. Imagine that your staff likes having meetings with you. When you put in the time and energy, all of this is doable and more.
So. How Do You Give What You Get In Your Career? Follow These Five Steps Below:
1. Decide To Change
All great things start with a decision. Decide that you will have great relationships with the people you work with. Decide that you will put real effort into getting to know and understand them. Decide that you will take the focus off yourself, and instead put it on them. Decide to be in the moment when someone is speaking to you and not somewhere else in your mind. Decide to have more patience. Decide that you will be the type of person you would want to work with everyday.
2. Determine How You Want To Be Remembered
Your career can run 30, 40, 50 years or more. How do you want to be remembered? As a difficult person or someone people admired? No matter how many years you have been working, today can be your fresh start. You can change people's perception of you by how you conduct yourself and treat others from this day forward.
3. Agree To Be Nice To Everyone You Work With
The people you work with are essential to your success. Do not underestimate their power. Your career can be made or broken by these individuals. Some people say, "I am not here to be liked, I am here to generate results." But not being liked can hurt you. Whether someone brings you your mail in the morning or an opportunity to work on a great project, be nice. Mail room clerks have risen to CEO. You never know who can help you somewhere down the road. Be nice to everyone you work with not because you have to, but because you want to.
4. Start To Give What You Want To Get
If you want understanding, give understanding. If you want respect, give respect. If you want to be listened to, listen. When you give first, people will start to notice. They will appreciate your thoughtfulness and will begin doing nice things for you in return. Even the toughest person you work with can be won over with kindness. All great relationships start with you.
5. Reap The Rewards
When you put in the work, your relationships with others will start to improve. You will find that over time more people will come to you, rather than the other way around. Your stress level will be lower. You will no longer worry about handling a run-in with a difficult person. You will be able to enjoy the rewards of your efforts. And, you'll deserve it because you gave what you wanted to get in your career.
So what do you say, you only have one life to live so it might as well be a life you love!