Using Coupon Apps to $ave Money
With the sad reality of our economy, everyone is looking to save money where ever and whenever possible. is a great site for budgeting. Mint organizes and categorizes all of your spending for you. Staying on top of the latest deals has never been easier, and it doesn't require you to hoard endless stacks of grocery store coupons. Smartphone technology has revolutionized the medium in which retailers market their products, and re-imagined the way shoppers save money, making consumer savings more accessible and convenient than ever before. Apps and user-friendly websites can help you shop smarter and faster, all while making the process of saving money even more satisfying. Can you believe that the first coupon was introduced in 1887 by Asa Candler, the CEO of the Coca-Cola Company.
Here are a few money-saving tactics for those of us who just don't have the time to dedicate ourselves to full-time couponing, but still want to save.
We're all tapped into social media, and following your favorite merchants and coupon sites on Facebook and Twitter will get you exclusive access to deals. Most retailers reward their loyal fans by offering flash sales and exclusive deals.
Extreme couponing is the hot topic these days, but let's face it, most of us don't have the time to go through newspaper, Sunday inserts and coupon mailers. Instead, visit websites like that consolidates coupons on thousands of products from local retailers. Simply find the coupon, print them out at home and redeem them at the cash register before checking out. offers coupon codes for online purchases and printable store coupons.
Be sure to download these free apps. 90% of them work on both Apple and Android devices.
ibotta This app is so easy to use. Simply buy the featured product, take a picture of your receipt and the product and in an hour or so you will have the reward money deposited into your PayPal account.
ShopKick Get rewarded by major retailers by just walking into their stores. Sometimes they add scavenger hunts to get bonus points and make it more fun to shop.
Let us know how you use coupons on Forum.