Stuck Indoors, Get a Jump on Spring Cleaning

Now's the perfect time to get a jump start on spring cleaning when you're stuck indoors and the kids are home with school closed.

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When weather is nasty outdoors it’s a great time to get a jump start on spring cleaning! Start with one small task at a time and soon you’ll have several items you can check off the spring cleaning list. One less thing to do means more time to spend outdoors for fun when the weather does warm up!

Here are some ideas on what you can conquer over the next few days with the weather looking less than perfect.

  • Closet.
    Sort through clothes you know you won’t wear again and bag them up for donation. Feel good about giving away things others can use and you get more closet space with doing so, too!

  • Windows.
    Even though outside is full of snow or dirty winter weather grime, you can feel clean with your inside windows wiped up. Just put equal parts of vinegar and water into a spray bottle and spritz away.

  • Window blinds.
    Whether you have vertical blinds or horizontal blinds, cleaning can be made easy with a few old pair of socks. Simply dip it into a mixture of vinegar and water, squeeze out excess, slip them onto your hand and you can clean both sides of the blind in a swipe. If your blinds are heavily dusty, vacuum first. And if you want to prevent dust build-up, after you’re done with wiping them down, grab a fabric softener sheet to wipe down the slats of the blinds.

  • Mirrors.
    While there’s still supply in the spritz bottle from window cleaning, go over the mirrors too for a perfect clear view.

  • Toys.
    When schools are closed, now’s a great time to encourage kids to sort through toys they no longer play with. Clearing old toys out will make room for all the new toys received over Christmas. Either donate old toys or look into selling them online.

  • Carpet.
    Not only will you breathe cleaner, but your feet will say ‘thank you’ after you’ve wet-vacuumed your carpet clean. Just make sure you keep those snow boots off once you’re done.

  • Refrigerator coils.
    The refrigerator is one home appliance that uses up a great deal of energy, but it’s working even harder when there are dirty coils. Carefully pull out the refrigerator just slightly and reach the dusty coils in the back with the vacuum attachment. Properly maintaining the refrigerator will also help avoid the chance of it breaking down from having to work harder.

Photo by Sanja Gjenero, via Free Images.