As the years go by, aging of the face is inevitable. The skin begins to loosen in the face and the neck giving way to "crow's feet" at the corner of the eyes, jowling at the jawline, deep folds or"marionette lines" at the corner of the mouth, and
vertical folds and a "double chin" beneath the chin. Heredity, sun exposure, the pull of gravity, and personal habits such as smoking contribute to the aging of the face.
Facelifting procedures begin with an incision in the area of the temple hair (hidden in the hair), continues in front of the ear in a natural crease, and then continues around the ear lobe, circling the ear before ending in the hair behind the ear. The incision in front of the ear is placed behind the tragus on the inside of the ear so that it is well camouflaged after you heal. For men the incision is aligned to accommodate the natural beardline. In a multiplanar facelift the deep layer of muscle underneath the skin is then dissected, advanced and tightened, and this help support the skin after surgery. The excess skin is trimmed, and the incisions are closed meticulously with fine sutures, thus minimizing the visibility of any incisions.
Mini-facelifts minimize the incision and the recovery time. Mini face lifts accomplish many of the goals of a traditional full face lift, however with more severe drooping neck and jowl skin a full face lift provides a better, longer lasting result compared to a mini facelift. Many patients are good candidates for a mini face lift, and the ideal candidate for the mini facelift is best determined by a doctor
who performs all types of facelifting surgery such as Doctor Jacono.
The mini facelift is also referred to as S-lifts, or short sacr facelifts due to the shape and smaller size of the incision. The muscle layer is tightened but not dissected and this minimizes post-operative bruising and swelling. This procedure is ideal
for professionals and those with tight schedules, and recovery is usually a few days.