Money & Profitability - these 2 words may be either directly related or, in fact, have absolutely nothing to do with each other.
Consider this - from a business standpoint, without financial profitability you don't have a business - you have an expensive hobby. And any good coach will tell you that financial profitability can come quickly if you focus consistently on the essentials and leave the luxuries for another time.
On the other hand, we've got the concept of profitability that is unrelated to having cash once the bills are paid. There is the profitability in laying a foundation, knowing its development will create continued opportunity, business development, enhanced reputation, cemented relationships, the development of new skills or tools - all of which will create profitability of the financial kind.
So - keep in mind that not every action's reward is defined by how much money you see at the end of the day. Consider instead what that action may provide 6 months or 6 years from now. Look at the long view in every step you take and, step by step you'll see the subtle execution of a plan leading to the fruition of your vision for your business or career.
This is a key to business success - seeing both the forest and the trees, simultaneously. If you can expand your definition of 'profitability' to incorporate the far ranging results of actions you take today, you'll enjoy both the immediate and the visionary impact of your choices, leading you to many kinds of profit, in your business and your life.