Weather Alert  

WIND ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 4 PM EST FRIDAY * WHAT...West winds 10 to 20 mph with gusts up to 50 mph expected. * WHERE...Portions of southern Connecticut, northeast New Jersey, and southeast New York. * WHEN...Until 4 PM EST Friday. * IMPACTS...Gusty winds will blow around unsecured objects. Tree limbs could be blown down and a few power outages may result.

Spring Fishing School & Smorgasboard

Rich Johnson's Spring Fishing School: Soon it will be time for adults to head to fishing school and sharpen their angling skills for the plethora of angling opportunities awaiting this spring. I'll be entering my ...

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Rich Johnson's Spring Fishing School: Soon it will be time for adults to head to fishing school and sharpen their angling skills for the plethora of angling opportunities awaiting this spring. I'll be entering my 17th season as an adult education teacher and this spring we're back at West Islip High School. These sessions start Tuesday March 6 in West Islip High School for Inshore Fishing Secrets to striped bass, weakfish, fluke, flounder and blackfish.

These classes run for three consecutive weeks only on 3/6, 3/13 & 3/20 from 7:30 to 9 p.m. all just in time for the flounder and weakfish runs. They're open to all including children over 14 years of age and cost is nominal at $40 (covers all 3 weeks) for both residents and for non-residents...not bad for three weeks of private fishing tutelage and video presentations. For information on these special Inshore Fishing classes call Larry Kazmier at 631-893-3330 and leave a message if no one is there E-mail Larry Kazemier at So please arrange your schedules so you can attend. More to follow.

BVI Vacation Giveaway Winner Announced: The BVI Trip Giveaway winner was a Mr. Joseph Diaz of the Bronx, NY who only entered because his 18-year-old grandson insist he do so. Mr. Diaz not being a "computer" guy had his grandson enter for him and he turned out to be a big time winner! When called by NY Boat Show manager Michael Duffy, Mr Diaz said, "My wife broke into tears because she's never been on a vacation. We raised two girls and a son, put them through college and I'm the only one that works, but I kept my family happy, but yes it's a dream come true. I'll never forget you and thank you, The Fishing Line and the BVI from the bottom of my heart." Mr. Diaz was also interviewed live on The Fishing Line radio program two weeks back and you can listen to the entire interview HERE at this link. This trip was made possible by American Airlines, Mango Bay Resort and BVI Tourism.

ASMFC Weakfish Board Approves Addendum II: The Commission's Weakfish Management Board approved Addendum II to Amendment 4 to the Interstate Fishery Management Plan (FMP) for Weakfish. Under the Addendum, the states of Massachusetts through North Carolina will be required to implement a six fish creel limit at their current size limit for the recreational fishery. South Carolina, Georgia, and Florida, because of their insignificant weakfish landings, will maintain their current creel and size limits. The Addendum establishes a coastwide commercial landings limit of approximately 3.7 million pounds (based on the average landings for 2000-2004). The Addendum also reduces the allowable bycatch limit from 300 pounds to 150 pounds per day or trip. For the Full Story visit

ASMFC Tautog Board Approves Stock Rebuilding Program: The Commission's Tautog Management Board approved Addendum IV to the Interstate Fishery Management Plan for Tautog. The Addendum initiates a stock rebuilding program for tautog through the establishment of coastwide target and threshold levels for spawning stock biomass (SSB), and a new fishing mortality target. Under the new program, states will be required to reduce fishing mortality by 28%. The recreational sector, which accounts for 90% of tautog harvest, can expect the implementation of more restrictive management measures by January 1, 2008. These measures may include decreased bag limits and seasonal closures. For the Full Story visit