What's more powerful than having the expertise, guidance and college admission know-how of the premier college planning and counseling service on your side? Having the folks with the inside track on what it takes to get through college right along side with them.
That's what College Connection, the renowned and respected college planners, and The Real College Guide, America's trusted resource on life on campus, have created by establishing a strategic partnership.
College Connection, with its highly successful college admission programs, gets students into college. The Real College Guide gets students through college.
From the application process to financial aid, choosing a major to pledging for a fraternity, the College Connection/Real College Guide team takes you every step of the way. From the day you first visit the Common App online until the day you are handed that sheepskin at graduation, College Connection/Real College Guide is with you, offering guidance, support, practical advice, and, most importantly, a plan for successfully navigating the road to -- and through -- college.
College Connection (www.CollegeConnect.info) provides students and their parents with the resources and assistance they need to achieve their goal of gaining acceptance to the college of choice, while taking the stress out of what is often an overwhelming and confusing process. Whether it's application enhancement or essay development, selecting the best colleges to apply to or finding scholarship money to pay for that degree, College Connection leads the way.
The Real College Guide (www.therealcollegeguide.com) is a peer-to-peer resource for advice and insights on making the most of the time spent on campus. From practical tips on how to live on the cheap and boost a GPA, to advice on how to deal with parents, The Real College Guide spans a wide-range of editorial topics, covering the essentials of college life, and well beyond.
Together, College Connection and The Real College Guide make formidable allies in assuring that students get into college and, once on campus, thrive as they go through their college careers.
Check out The Real College Guide at www.therealcollegeguide.com. Then, check in with College Connection at www.collegeconnect.info.