As a new expert here on, I wanted to answer some common questions about Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine.
What Is Acupuncture?
Acupuncture is an ancient system of healing developed over thousands of years as part of the traditional medicine of China, Japan and other Eastern countries.
The earliest records of acupuncture date back over 3,000 years and today there are over 3,000,000 practitioners worldwide. Although the majority of these practice in the East, over the last 50 years an increasing number of people in the West have trained to become acupuncturists.
The practice of acupuncture is thought to have begun with the discovery that the stimulation of specific areas on the skin affects the functioning of certain organs of the body.
It has evolved into a system of medicine that restores and maintains health by the insertion of fine needles into acupuncture points just beneath the bodyfs surface. These points are in very specific locations and lie on channels of energy. Moxibustion, the warming of acupuncture points through the use of smoldering herbs, is often used as a supplement and the needles may also be stimulated using a small electric current.
Here in the West, acupuncture has been misleading publicized as only being helpful in specific conditions, such as the relief of pain. It is, in fact extremely effective in a wide variety of conditions through its power to stimulate the mind and body's own healing response.
Does Acupuncture Hurt?
No it doesn't. Acupuncture needles are very different from Injection needles. Acupuncture needles are much smaller, in most cases just slightly thicker than a strand of hair. Acupuncture needles taper at the end to slide smoothly into the point whereas injection needles have a hollow angled point which cuts into the skin.
Most acupuncturists do look for some sensation around the needle. Patients may feel distention, warmth, or movement around the needle. In some cases they may feel something in other areas of the body. Sometimes a patient may feel a sensation even after the needle is pulled out. All these signs are natural and considered good responses.
Many patients get an overall feeling of relaxation while the needles are retained. Some even sleep through the treatment. After the treatment some patients feel completely refreshed, while others may feel like they have just woken from a deep sleep.
How Often Should I Receive Acupuncture?
In acute conditions a patient should receive acupuncture once or twice a week. When symptoms improve patient can go two or three weeks between treatments. After patients recovers fully they may come in for maintenance treatments however often they feel like. Regular gtune uph treatments can be given to a patient with no major complaints as a form of preventative medicine. gTune upsh are also a great way to relax.
What Are The Benefits of Acupuncture?
As more Americans are discovering that Western medicine alone does not always produce results, they are turning to acupuncture as a natural way to heal, without side effects of drugs and chemically based remedies. Acupuncture is very effective for a wide range of conditions including physical, mental, and emotional problems.
What are the most common problems treated with acupuncture?
While acupuncture can be beneficial from treating a wide variety of diseases, acupuncture is most commonly recognized for treating the following:
Weight loss
Smoking Sessation
Sports Injuries
Allergies & Asthma
Depression & Anxiety
Menstrual Problems
Digestive Problems
Neurological Disorders
Migraines & Headaches
High Blood Pressure
Please be aware that we treat a wide variety of problems and may benefit most, however BY LAW we are not allowed to claim that we cure these conditions. But we are allowed to say that we provide relief of for many illnesses.
If you have any specific questions regarding Acupuncture, I'd be happy to answer them. Just e-mail me at