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Former Long Islanders Writing About 65 Years Growing Up As Baby Boomers

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Feb. 25- It's not enough for former East Meadow residents Sharon Sultan and Cookie Horowitz to recall the good, old and complicated teen-age high school days of 1961 through 1965 for their upcoming book, Once Upon Our Times.

Now, the two authors are looking for more unique, inspiring and atypical commentary, stories and experiences other baby boomers recall from 1946 on - including family memories; favorite growing-up activities; romances, love, marriage, divorce; sex, drugs and rock and roll; parenting and grand parenting; and aging topics. The book also features a historical time-line, a photo gallery of memorabilia and mini-essays "from way back when," said Sultan.

Horowitz and Sultan have already interviewed many East Meadow High School classmates, but are now widening their research for this extensive look at six and one-half decades that changed the world, one person and one event at a time. Contributors will be acknowledged in the book if their remembrances are published.

Sharon first announced the book project to other classmates at the 2010 East Meadow High School Class of 1965 Reunion. After she began a Facebook Community ( to alert more people of the book from her home in Chicago, Cookie Horowitz e-mailed Sharon from Los Angeles that she would like to help "any way I can."

After their "getting to know you" period, the two became co-authors. Horowitz is also the book cover and graphics designer while Sultan will promote and publicize the book once it is published in August or September, 2011.

The authors are amused to admit that they have not seen each other since graduation day in 1965. Now, they phone each other several times daily, e-mail frequently and have recently sent each other photos of themselves.

"We are now the best of friends who hadn't seen or heard from each other for 45 years," Horowitz quipped.

The book's website is It includes information about the book's contents, the authors and pre-order information for autographed copies.

To contact the authors, e-mail .

Author Sharon Sultan can be reached at 773-853-2355 in Chicago.