2015 Purim Events on Long Island


The Jewish holiday falls on March 4th and 5th this year.

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Purim is this week, and it won’t be hard for members of the Jewish community to find celebrations here on Long Island. Purim begins on Wednesday evening and ends on Thursday evening, however there will be events celebrating the Jewish holiday all week long.
The most popular way to celebrate Purim is with a feast, usually including hamantash, triangular pastries with jelly in the middle, and kreplach, dumplings filled with meat.. The holiday commemorates the defeat of the king of Persia after his plot to destroy the Jewish people. Many Jews also give to charity during this time.
Here are some of the Purim events you will find on Long Island this week:
March 1
March 2
March 3
March 4
March 5
March 6
March 8

​Photo by scataudo via Free Images.