Keeping some items from your childhood is a wonderful gift to yourself, but keeping too much can cause storage and clutter problems and, ironically, make it harder for you to enjoy your memorabilia, because their sheer number is overwhelming. Create a treasure box for yourself, keeping a few representative items from your childhood, and give the rest away. Select a beautiful box, basket, or trunk and fill it with a few favorite books, stuffed animals, games, toys, dolls, even articles of clothing. Try to keep no more than 3 or 4 items of each category. If you've kept diaries and letters from your childhood, put those in there as well. Store the box or trunk in a handy location so that it is available for periodic trips down memory lane.
As for the stuffed animals, books, and other childhood items you are not keeping, find a children's hospital, a shelter for battered women and children, or some other worthwhile organization to donate these items to. That way you are not throwing away your childhood memories but are allowing less fortunate people to make their own memories out of your kindness. Also, take a photo of them first so you will always be able to have a memory of your special items.
If you have children, it is a good time to begin organizing practices with them. Even though you may be tempted, you cannot keep every item that is bought, made or brought home from school. Make it a regular practice to go through items with your children and let them help you decide what to keep and what to give away. Again, taking photos of any items you give away will allow them to always be able to reflect on them.
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