
March 1, 2000 vs Carolina & March 4, 2001 vs Tampa Bay

Written by islanders  |  04. March 2001

I was supposed to write the article for the Hurricanes game. I came home from the game, was tired, went to sleep. Woke up the next morning, and tried to write an article for the game. I stared at my monitor for an hour. Nothing to say. There is no explanation for that game. I can not point out one good thing in that game. The old fallback on our goaltending and defense wouldn't hold up. The only thing funny about that game was some Ranger fan teenagers that were sitting next to us. They picked a fight with a group of elementary school children. Now we all know that you cant fight with a young child.. they will always win. Well, the Ranger fans in their infinite wisdom had to try. Who won the battle? The kids, of course. They had the Ranger fans throwing money at them. They'll get a Snicker bar for nothing. So, that being the level of excitement at the game, I just stared at my monitor; for a long time. After a while, I just gave up. And so I am here again. Still, nothing much to write about. Before the game, a friend of mine referred to tonight's matchup as "SpezzaBowl." The fight of who will have the right to be last, so they can draft Spezza. Well CONGRATULATIONS! We won the SpezzaBowl. And when we win, we win big. On another bad note, Isbister left during the game, he is out for the rest of the season with a knee injury. So much for having a good end of season to help his contract negotiations. Here's to Tuesday. It can't get worse, remember? (That's what we thought.) Congratulations to one of our Islander Experts, Mike, for his recent engagement to his girlfriend, Mary.

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