Kazoo training. It just might be the new training fad. Or perhaps snap your fingers training, tambourine training, or even baby rattle training. None of these have the marketability of "clicker training" but they would all be just as effective as the 75 cent clicker you can buy in PETCO. Does kazoo training sound absurd? It is, but it's no more absurd then clicker training.
There is no magic in a little clicker that helps train a dog. Simply put, the dog is conditioned to understand that a specific sound, in this case, a clicker, is a good happy experience. Any sound can be used, even the most out dated, old fashioned sound at your disposal, your voice.
I don't usually use clicker training in my programs. When an excited dog is running into a street full of cars, your chances for recall (come) will not be so good when clicker training was used. Clicker training is a great method for teaching young dogs what commands mean, or (yes it can be done) teaching an old dogs new tricks. When used exclusively, clicker training often does not give an owner the necessary control needed for an excited dog.
People usually call my company for two reasons. 1) They want to teach the dog manners in their home. 2) They want the dog to listen on and off leash. Most dogs that are off leash either slipped a collar, bolted out a door, or dug out of the yard. Any of these experiences can be very frightening. A clicker, kazoo or baby rattle are not going to help.
Dogs first need to be taught the meaning of a command. Once understood, the dog NEEDS to be corrected for not doing what its told. This is accomplished with a leash. When the dog is doing a really good job with the commands, distractions are then added. When distraction training is complete and the dog is doing superbly well, off leash training can begin.
If you have any questions about training, feel free to call. My trainers and I will be happy to assist you.
Copyright 2001, Best Friend's Dog Training Inc, All Rights Reserved