Advice from an Expert

A Few Steps to Online Marketing Success. Creating effective website should be the first step in your online marketing success. These days visitors are much more impatient. They come to your website with specific needs ...

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A Few Steps to Online Marketing Success.

Creating effective website should be the first step in your online marketing success. These days visitors are much more impatient. They come to your website with specific needs and a specific set of questions. Your goal is to address their expectations as soon as possible, before they loose interest and move on. Engage your visitors immediately and encourage them to take action ( ex. "Look for a Product or Service"; "Learn about a Financial Topic"; "Find a Location"). Use direct and active words that will get people clicking.

Create an "Articles Page" where you post articles about your area of expertise. Make sure that visitors will be able to read them and download them for free in a PDF format. You may also post a Special Report or a White Paper. Make those articles and reports available in exchange for your visitors' email address (or any other information you would like to obtain.)

Remember, the more content you have on your website, the better. This would encourage your prospects or clients to visit your website more frequently.
Here are a number of online options you could benefit from: free publicity, e-mail marketing, direct mail, e-zine advertising.

Figure out what to say before jumping to the "how to say it" part. Focus on the people you are writing for and put yourself in their shoes. Try to figure out what their needs, desires and expectations are.

Make sure you write well. First and foremost. If you feel the need to highlight certain words for emphasis, it means that your sentence should be rewritten until it works better. Exclamation points or any formatting features will not make up for poor writing.

One Final Thought:
Make sure that you write with honesty and respect, which will eventually result in good copy and happy customers. Keep it clear and simple, and focus on your reader. As one well-known copywriter suggests, "you can treat people with respect and still be a salesperson."