Jericho Home Burglarized, Over $6900 in Luxury Items Stolen; Nassau County Detectives Seek Information

Unknown burglars smashed into a Jericho residence, stealing a Luis Vuitton handbag and jewelry worth over $6900, with an ongoing investigation.

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The Second Squad is investigating a Burglary that occurred in Jericho on Friday, March 15, 2024 at 10:45 pm.
According to detectives, Second Precinct police responded to a Burglary at a Mellow Lane residence. Upon arrival, police observed that a rear sliding glass door had been smashed.
An investigation revealed that unknown subject(s) did enter the residence and removed a brown / tan Luis Vuitton hand bag and assorted jewelry. The proceeds had a total value in excess of $ 6900.00. There is no description of subjects.
The investigation is ongoing.
Detectives request that if anyone has information regarding the above crime to contact the Nassau County Crime Stoppers at 1– 800 -244 –TIPS. All callers will remain anonymous.