
Economic Stimulus Payments: Part II – When...

Written by veterans  |  23. March 2008

I initially wrote regarding what every Veteran needs to know about their economic stimulus payments (https://experts.longisland.com/veterans/archive_article.php?ExpArtID=3075). At that time we knew the payments were to begin to be mailed in May. Now, to answer that question in more detail. Once again, information thanks to IRS (http://www.irs.gov/irs/article/0,,id=180250,00.html). Stimulus Payment Schedule for Tax Returns Processed By April 15 Economic stimulus payments will be issued according to the last two-digits of the main filer's Social Security number. People who use direct deposit also will be among the first to receive the payments starting May 2. Paper checks will be put in the mail starting May 16. Direct Deposit 00 through 20 - May 2 21 through 75 - May 9 76 through 99 - May 16 Paper Check 00 through 09 - May 16 10 through 18 - May 23 19 through 25 - May 30 26 through 38 - June 6 39 through 51 - June 13 52 through 63 - June 20 64 through 75 - June 27 76 through 87 - July 4 88 through 99 - July 11 Stimulus Payment Schedule for Tax Returns Processed After April 15 People who file a return after April 15 will receive their economic stimulus payment, but probably about two weeks later than the schedule shows. This Week's Not Commented on Story - If The Information Doesn't Your Position Increase... Then The Information Do Not Release VA WITHHOLDS INFORMATION FROM FORT WAYNE HOSPITAL REPORT -- The administration will not release the recommendations or suggestions in a $530,000 report ordered by Congress to assess whether services at the Fort Wayne Veterans Affairs hospital should be expanded or drastically reduced. About 160,000 veterans live in the 25 Indiana counties and three Ohio counties served by the hospital. Roughly 30 percent of them are in the VA health care system. Booz Allen Hamilton submitted a report in September 2007, but the Veterans Administration refused to make it public. Last month The Journal Gazette filed a request for it under the Freedom of Information Act. Three-fourths of the 78-page report was withheld by VA officials. Of the 21 pages that were released, most had thick black lines through sentences or whole paragraphs. Even the table of contents was blacked out. The omitted material referred to anything involved in a decision-making process, including opinions, findings and conclusions. The VA's Freedom of Information Act officer said no one outside of the agency will ever see a full copy of the report unless a congressional committee with oversight of the VA demands it as part of an investigation. --- Regards, Walt Schmidt

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