Wow, it's certainly been an awfully long time since my last article was posted here. I have made several attempts but never got to finish. There just isn't enough time in the day or enough coffee to keep me going I guess. Well, I suppose theres a good reason for that, we had our second child, Holly, who was born in, now I am a baby expert x 2.
I am completely immersed in baby land again for the second time around. Thats a good thing for business. I always rely on parent feedback and what better feedback then knowing first hand what works and what doesn't? I am actually getting to try out all the latest and greatest products out there since my first daughter was born in 2000. So what have I discovered to be different this time around? Well for one, I ditched my diaper pail and opted for taking the walk outside to throw the poopy diapers in the pail (gives me a chance to be alone and get a breathe of fresh air sometimes). I have also entered the new world of double strollers, Kick & Play bouncy seats and portable swings for the first time. I still stand by my motto of *less is more* especially when you have to squeeze everything for two children now into one small house. I have become much more organized in some ways and much less in others. I can see why people need my services so much more now especially when they have a second child in the house!
Ahhh....theres so much more I want to discuss here now that Holly is close to sleeping through the night (by definition of night I mean 6 hours-whew) and I definitely plan on doing so here every single week as I go along on this new journey.
Please come join me - I promise it will be fun :-)