
How To Perform Well At Work

Written by coachingforcareers  |  03. April 2007

Everything you do at work comes down to how you perform. Good performers produce results quickly and are known for getting the job done right. Poor performers complain, use a lot of excuses, and generally cannot be counted on. But what if you are a good performer, yet you are not performing well lately? Maybe you are tired, run-down, or have too much on your plate. Maybe you are bored, uninterested, or have lost your zeal. Maybe you want to do a good job, but your energy level is not helping you out. You Can Turn Your Poor Performance Around. How? Follow These Steps Below. 1. Eat Right & Exercise What you put in determines what you put out. No time in your day? Recognize that your job will take longer and will be harder for you if you are not taking care of yourself. Small things count. A 15 minute walk at lunch will refresh you. Taking a 10-minute break to clear your head will energize you. Eating something healthy like an apple will rejuvenate you. You don't have to change everything at once, so start with something small. Eating right and exercising will transform your career because you can't perform well if you do not feel well. 2. Plan Your Work & Work Your Plan If you can plan what you will work on and then work on what you planned, you will have more control over your workload and your stress level. You don't always have power over what is thrown at you, but you can handle how you tackle it. Sit down every morning and look at what you need to get done. Prioritize your tasks and work on the most important items first. Then, go down your list, and work on each item one by one. Can't get to something today? Work on it tomorrow. Remember that you are a person and not a machine. You can only do so much in one day, and that's ok. Even if you can only check off one or two items from your to-do list, you are making progress. The time you spend planning will pay off in a big way because you can't perform well if you are disorganized and overwhelmed. 3. Keep The Future In Mind Work is a day-to-day part of your life. You go in, do what you need to do, and then you head home. But if work was only that, you wouldn't have anything to look forward to. It's easy to get caught up in a routine, going through the motions, and no longer thinking about what you are doing. To combat this, focus on the future. What's the big picture? Where do you see yourself a year from now, three years, five years or longer? What's going to get you excited again? Keep the future in mind because you can't perform well of you are only thinking of the here and now. So what do you say, you only have one life to live so it might as well be a life you love!

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