Suffering from Stress? Destress this April with Relaxing, Inexpensive Fun

Is stress getting the best of you? Manage it with these tips for Stress Awareness Month.

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Learn how to destress

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April is Stress Awareness Month, and though most of us are aware of our stress, we may not be aware of the damage it can actually cause. Long-term stress is a leading cause of many ailments, including headaches, stomach disorders, and even depression.  Instead of succumbing to stress, pick a healthy habit this month to decrease your stress level in a way that makes sense to you.  Whether you prefer to relax outside or you are most at peace with a purring cat in your lap, there is a way to shed the stress, and be happier and healthier as a result.  Here are some tips for people with varying interests and sources of stress:

Tips for Outdoorsy Folks
Now that the weather is finally beginning to feel like spring, explore Long Island's many hiking trails and nature preserves.  For something different, register for a seal walk with the Coastal Research and Education Society of Long Island to see the seals before they migrate from the waters around Long Island. 

Tips for Those Stuck in an Office
Ever feel like your days are nearly entirely spent staring at a computer screen in your office or cubicle? Take a break from the screen time and make time for face-to-face interactions with friends that you maybe have not seen in a while. Laugh it up at one of Long Island’s great comedy clubs, or take a group of friends out bowling and catch up at the lanes.  Be sure that when you make the plans, you commit to them, because there is nothing that can sour a friendship more than unkept plans.  If you need more time alone after long days at work, pick up gardening as a new hobby for the spring, and start growing something aesthetically beautiful and calming to look at.

Tips for Animal Lovers
Spending time with pets has proven to lower blood pressure and make people feel happier than those not around animals.  If you have a dog, take Fido the dog park for some much needed exercise and downtime.  If you don't have a pet or you just want to give back to the community, consider volunteering at a local shelter or animal rescue by walking and caring for homeless dogs and cats.

Tips for Bodies Under Stress
If you carry your stress in your body and get aches and pains from either being overworked or handling physical, mental, and emotional stress, you may want to take the good old fashioned route: a relaxing trip to the spa. Massages can do wonders for tight muscles and overwhelmed minds.

Tips for Moms and Dads
"Parent" is both a noun and a verb, and to be one is inevitably exhausting and rewarding.  Reward yourself by leaving the kids with the sitter and having a parents' night out.  For a classy, adult night together, check out some of Long Island's wine bars. If you prefer a laidback night together, go to a new movie theater to catch a new film while reliving your date nights before children.

Tips for Neat Freaks
Sometimes our busy schedules get the best of us, and even if we are typically neat, order gives way to clutter.  Declutter your home using these tips, and your formerly messy and crowded home will give way to a more zen atmosphere.  If you are willing to go for a complete overhaul, take a look at our spring cleaning guide that will get your home in tip-top shape and ready for the season.

Tips for Kids
We often forget that kids can get just as stressed out as adults, and with the current state assessments, kids are busier and more stressed than ever.  Encourage them to beat the stress by having fun at the park or a kids’ fitness center.  For a super special outing, take them to a unique fitness center like Bounce! Trampoline Sports in Syosset, which lets kids jump on indoor trampolines and land safely in foam shape pits.