20th Holistic Health Fair


Linda Eisen, a Huntington chiropractor, announces the 20th Holistic Health Fair to be held at the Huntington Hilton Hotel on Route 110 in Melville.

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Melville, Sunday, April 10, 2011. Dr. Linda Eisen, a Huntington chiropractor, announces the 20th Holistic Health Fair to be held at the Huntington Hilton Hotel on Route 110 in Melville.
Typical vendors include nutrition, environmentally safe products, life coach, natural skin care, anti aging, safe water, chiropractic, enzyme therapy, reflexology, weight loss, clinical hypnosis, fitness, Yoga as well as interesting and educational lectures throughout the day on various health related topics.
The hours are from 10am to 4pm. Admission is $5 or non-perishable food donations to benefit LI Cares accepted in lieu of admission fee.
For additional information or to participate as a vendor or sponsor, contact Dr. Linda Eisen at 631-385-7321 or Email: drleisen@verizon.net