Advice from Angela Kambarian
There is no shortage of people making good money from blogs. Believe it or not ,some entrepreneurs earn a full-time living from professional blogging. Sounds exciting? Don t hold your breath. Let me assure you that blogging for an income takes a great deal of time, effort and discipline. Therefore, you need to approach blogging as a serious professional endeavor. Take one step at a time and be patient. The biggest mistake you can make is give up too soon if you don t see results overnight.
There was a time when blogging was limited to a small number of people. Now it has exploded into a mini-industry. There are so many tools, services and technological devices available to bloggers. These unlimited resources can help you turn blogging into a money-generating activity.
Here is how you can earn a nice income directly from your blog. See the examples outlined below and determine which strategy works best for you:
Advertising (by far the most popular monetization method for bloggers)
Affiliate commissions
Paid reviews
You can also make money because of your blog, by taking your credibility and expertise and using it for any of the following:
Service Contracts
Consulting assignments
Speaking engagements
Book deals
You are probably wondering right now: What does it take to achieve success in blogging? First you should ask yourself what success would mean to you. Is it money, attention, increased sales, or the size of the audience? Take a moment to analyze your motivations and get a clear idea about what you want to accomplish. I am also presenting some of my suggestions on how to turn your blogging adventure into success.
Post more often.
According to many sources, the most successful bloggers post more often than the rest. Some of them, post a few short entries a day. As you can see, there is a strong correlation between success and posting frequency. The more posts you publish, the more readers will notice you. It might even effect your ranking on search engines. Seems like too much work for you? No need to get discouraged. Many top blogs are written by multiple authors. Make sure that your posts are informative, intriguing and educational.
Find your niche.
I strongly recommend that you start out blogging in a niche. You probably realize that it is incredibly difficult to get noticed in a crowded blogosphere. So, choose a niche where you can make a difference, define your mission and deliver quality content. Dare to be different! Find a gap and fill it. Don t forget that you should get to know all the movers and shakers in your niche.
Research and test.
Blogging is an ongoing process. It takes a lot of research, experimentation and testing to figure out what works.
It s okay to be controversial.
Some of your posts can be intentionally controversial. Top stories often polarize people and stimulate heated discussions. Take a strong stand and stir up some emotions.
Privacy is important.
There is no need to reveal too much personal information. You need to decide what you are going to keep private and make it stay that way.
Stay positive.
That s how you build goodwill and trust. Blogging is not only about good writing. It is also about networking. It is essential what people think and say about you.
Learn from the success of others.
All you have to do is closely watch the world around you. I am not only talking about your fellow bloggers. I suggest you read biographies, analyze your favorite celebrity, talk show host or business leaders. Find out how people got where they are and develop a similar mindset.
Final thoughts.
You can blog for fun. However, for most people blogging is a means to an end. There are many creative ways to approach blogging and make it work. I hope you can find some ideas and inspiration from my insights and embark on a fascinating blogging journey, which will invariably impact your earnings, your reputation and your life. Good luck with your endeavors!