
Today is Sibling's Day: Reach Out to Them in Special Ways!

Written by Vickie Moller  |  10. April 2014

For over a century, people all across America have been writing cards, giving gifts and planning special events to honor their moms on Mother’s Day and their dads on Father’s Day. But did you know that, in the same spirit of recognizing loved ones and celebrating family bonds, many Americans also observe Sibling’s Day on April 10?

The Siblings Day Foundation, a public non-profit organization founded in 1999 by New York resident Claudia Evart after she lost both of her siblings in separate accidents early in life, is dedicated to establishing Sibling’s Day as a federally-recognized day. April 10 is the birthday of her late sister, Lisette.

Since the Siblings Day Foundation was organized, Sibling’s Day has been growing in popularity. In 2000 President Clinton wrote a letter in support of Sibling’s Day. In it he reminded us that “our siblings are often our oldest friends and earliest companions, the people who know us best and with whom we’ve shared all the joys and sorrows of life.” He said that honoring our siblings will not only strengthen family ties, but will ultimately serve to strengthen our communities and our nation as well.

In 2007, Sibling’s Day was granted a "Service Mark" by the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.

So, today, why not take the opportunity to honor, recognize and celebrate your siblings by reaching out to them in unexpected, loving ways?

  • Send a hand-written card, include a photo of a special memory and let them know how important they are to you
  • Invite them to spend a day together with you enjoying one of the hundreds of springtime events held around the Island. Check out our 2014 April Family Fun Guide for scores of upcoming things to do!
  • Send flowers with a note of love and affirmation
  • Invite them for dinner out or at your home, and use the opportunity to start a new tradition
  • Send a book about sibling relationships and write a personalized note inside the front cover
  • Spend the morning gathering ingredients at one of Long Island’s farmer’s markets, then spend the afternoon cooking or baking a childhood recipe together!
  • Offer to help with some spring cleaning chores or to perform a task or run an errand
  • If you live far apart, set up a surprise virtual meeting
  • Take a walk in a park and talk about old times
  • Plant a flower or floral shrub in honor of a deceases sibling

Whatever you decide to do, Sibling’s Day provides the perfect opportunity for you to take the initiative, reach out and strengthen the bond between you and your siblings!

[Source: Siblings Day Foundation]

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