Discover Long Island Raises Funds And Distributes Protective Gear
With tourism on Long Island at a crippling halt, Discover Long Island, the region’s official destination marketing and management organization, is giving back by raising funds and providing protective gear for the region’s hospitality employees.
Recently recognized by Forbes as one of the world’s most inspiring videos for travel, Discover Long Island’s “Hold Fast” message has resonated with residents and visitors during the current Pandemic. To further the momentum of that message of strength and resilience, a new “Hold Fast” t-shirt is currently available for purchase with proceeds going directly to aid Long Island’s hospitality employees. In addition, Discover Long Island has teamed up with New York State Hospitality & Tourism Association’s (NYSH&TA) Educational Foundation to distribute protective masks to support hospitality and tourism industry workers across Long Island.
“This is a very difficult and heartbreaking time for our industry and many of our hospitality and tourism partners are being forced to make unthinkable choices related to their businesses and their employees,” said Kristen Jarnagin, President & CEO of Discover Long Island. “We are proud to provide this assistance to our hospitality employees, many of whom are working to provide lodging for essential healthcare workers, and we will continue to utilize every resource available to help provide for our industry as we reimagine a way forward.’
“In this time of need, NYSH&TA’s Education Foundation is proud to stand side-by-side with its regional tourism partners to support the industry in any way possible,” said NYSH&TA President, Mark Dorr. “We understand the need for proper protection for essential employees in the hospitality and tourism community and strive to ensure the safety of these workers.”
The “Hold Fast” inspirational message utilizes the mariner’s phrase of “hold fast” as a message to bear down and see through the storm. T-shirts with the #HoldFast message are available for purchase at with proceeds benefiting the region’s tourism employees through The Above and Beyond Foundation.
Long Island hospitality businesses are encouraged to visit in order to nominate employees, making them eligible to receive the donated funds during this time of crisis. In addition, donations can be made directly through Above and Beyond by tagging Discover Long Island. Please visit, to purchase a #HOLDFAST charity T-shirt. Join us in sharing Long Island’s “Hold Fast” message and be sure to tag #HoldFast #DiscoverLongIsland.