
"Expos Your Business" Mega B2B Event April 28 at Smithtown Sheraton

Written by Karen Bomzer  |  25. April 2011

Bring your business cards and networking skills to the Smithtown Sheraton where you'll see top notch exhibits, attend the seminars of noted experts and authors, and possibly win a 4 day 5 night Carnival Cruise courtesy of Promotion Company of America. The show features "Working Breakfast" with Rob Basso, "Your Marketing Sucks" with Mark Stevens, "Golf and the Mind Game" with Dan Schaefer, PhD, "How to Turn Your Customers into Raving Fans" with Randi Busse, "Leverage the Power of Social Media" with Likeable Media and "Healthcare Legislation and Your Business" with Jeff Weiner. Join over 100 exhibitors and 1,000 decision makers under one roof at this huge expo, conveniently accessible to both Nassau and Suffolk business people. Exhibitors and sponsors receive a free online commercial for their website courtesy of JLN Media. To register as an exhibitor or attendee, visit www.exposyourbusiness.com or email info@exposyourbusiness.com. You can also call 516.813.6155.

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