Webster's New Collegiate Dictionary defines a crisis as an unstable or crucial time or state of affairs whose outcome will make a decisive difference for better or worse.
What are your chances of having to deal with a crisis situation? Remember, if any of your internal or external audiences think that there is a problem, then you need to address their concerns immediately!
Do you want to be prepared for the crisis or just react when it occurs? Remember, the longer it take to effectively react, the greater the potential for damage to your company. It can happen to you!
Minimize the impact of a crisis by being prepared. Here are ten steps to follow:
1. Identify your crisis team.
A team of senior executives, along with your PR/communications expert, should be identified to serve as your company's crisis communication team. The team should be led by your President/CEO with your company's PR director and legal advisor. Other team members should include department heads from the major areas such as finance, human resources, security and operations.
2. Identify a spokesperson
During this time of crisis, only one or two individuals from your crisis team should be authorized to speak on behalf of the company. This should include your President/CEO, but not necessarily as the primary spokesperson. Choose the best communicator for the job...as image is key!
(To be continued...)