The announcement came across the news on television. A dog was thrown away like garbage down a trash chute in New Jersey. In March of 2011, the world got a wake up call. Word spread like a Santa Anna wind-driven fire on Facebook. The alert was out and things in my world would never be the same. I was appalled as I watched the story on TV. I was disgusted when I came across message after message on Facebook. Then, as one day led to the next, as the story developed, the truth was even more horrid then imaginable. What had happened to this dog now known as Patrick was, unfortunately, all too common and not limited to the United States. The abuse of animals is way too prevalent in society and it explains the disregard for life that humanity has, in the world today. There is very good evidence that animal abusers use the animals they torture and murder as stepping stones for the practice of human to human abuse and murder. If civilization doesn’t get some kind of understanding of this relationship, it may lead to an even worse attitude than society already has developed.
This may be why there is no outcry, no action, no interest by an average everyday person to quell this accepted behavior. If there was, there would be pro-active attitudes by the general public. This is a world-wide issue. We, in America, could take the lead. We could change the attitude of the world. It would be wonderful if people would participate in making a comment, telling a friend, sharing a word about this, because, one day, something may happen that could have been prevented, if only someone would care. This hits home when the light is shined on our own Long Island; with the numbers of domestic, family, pets being destroyed in several of the animal shelters, right here in our back yard, it easy to see the need for education of this situation. If you were considering getting a new family member in the way of a pet, please visit a local shelter and adopt a pet, instead of buying one. As the demand lessens for store bought animals, the horrid puppy mills will go out of business and these innocent beings will no longer suffer from neglect. There are organizations that offer free spa and neuter to aid in the control of unwanted animals being created only to be euthanized. April is Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Month. In honor of this cause, the ASPCA is offering Low-Cost Spay/Neuter Programs - - You can check their website or check in your local area for programs similar to this one. There are many reasons to spay and neuter, one is, if you have a female pet, she will live a longer, healthier life. There is a list of the top ten reasons to spay and neuter of the ASPCA website. If you would like to consider this action and you are on Long Island, you may get help directly from RSVP Animal Welfare & Rescue Group. They remain committed to reducing pet-overpopulation, and low-cost and free services are available to all. Owners need only select a participating veterinarian, RSVP will arrange a voucher, and the owner can make an appointment at their convenience. Transportation is also available if needed.
Help is right around the corner. If anyone needs assistance with any pet issue, please do not hesitate to call any of your local rescue groups. Surrendering a pet to a shelter often will result in that pet’s demise. Shelters are so over run with unwanted, homeless, abandoned animals there is no room for them.
Living things, beings, feel pain. Animals on earth are at the mercy of the top predator, mankind. We are stewards of the Earth and all the living things on it. Mankind without humanity is a heartless entity. The only thing to raise us above is compassion. If we don’t use it, we will most definitely become another lost species, probably by our own hand. For more information on proactive pet ownership and care, contact RSVP Animal Welfare & Rescue Group, they will point you in the right direction. Wherever, you on Long Island, there is help, hope and assistance. Together we will save them all.