
Nassau County Police Department to Celebrates 99th Anniversary with Annual Open House Week Hosting Thousands of Students

Written by Chris Boyle  |  08. May 2024

Nassau County Executive Bruce Blakeman and Nassau County Police Commissioner Patrick Ryder announce that the NCPD will host its Annual Open House from May 8th through May 10th, 2024 from 9:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. at the David S. Mack Center for Training and Intelligence located at 1 Law Enforcement Way, Garden City.
The exposition is designed to educate, inform, and involve school children and residents of Nassau County to create a spirit of cooperation among police officers and the communities they serve.  
Open House attractions include demonstrations by the Arson/Bomb Squad, Police Academy Physical Training and Defensive Tactics Unit, the Emergency Services Unit, Canine Unit and Mounted Unit. The Bureau of Special Operations will demonstrate how they rappel from a tall building.  
Exhibits will include the Police Department’s Mobile Command Bus, Bureau of Special Operations Rescue Vehicle, along with other assorted tactical equipment. Also featured are Highway Patrol Bureau, Motorcycle Platoon, Marine Bureau, Aviation Unit, Crime Scene Search Section, Communications Bureau and Emergency Ambulance Bureau.
Additional activities include the Police Museum, KID-PIX Photo Identification Program, Children’s Safety Town, and a “radar” ball toss for children.
School trips are welcome and no reservations are required.  Buses are to discharge students in the circle in front of the building.
  • 9:45: Mounted and Canine Unit – Command, Maneuvers and Search
  • 10:00: Police Academy/Bicycle Demonstration
  • 10:15: Bureau of Special Operations – Rappelling/Displays
  • 10:30: Hostage Negotiation/Helicopter/Electronics Live Feed/live aerial footage
  • 10:45: Arson/Bomb Squad – Bomb Robot/Firework Talk/Display
  • 11:00: Emergency Services Demonstration “Jaws of Life”
  • 11:15: Highway Patrol Bureau – Roll Over Simulator
  • 11:30: EVOC – Emergency Vehicle Operation Course Demonstration
  • 12:00: Mounted and Canine Unit – Command, Maneuvers and Search
  • 12:30: Police Academy/Bicycle Demonstration
  • 12:45: Bureau of Special Operations – Rappelling/Displays
  • 1:00: Hostage Negotiation/Helicopter/Electronics Live Feed/live aerial footage
  • 1:15: Arson/Bomb Squad – Bomb Robot/Firework Talk/Display
  • 1:30: Emergency Services Demonstration “Jaws of Life”
  • 1:45: Highway Patrol Bureau – Roll Over Simulator
  • 2:00: EVOC - Emergency Vehicle Operation Course Demonstration

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