

Written by job-strategies  |  15. May 2006

Before we start, let me share a few words with you first. This is not a thank you letter writing 101. There are numerous resources at your disposal to help you do this. You can ask the advice of ten thank you letter "experts" and receive ten different opinions and of course, they will all be right. There is no one thank you letter format that is necessarily more correct than another. I will be the first to tell you that if your thank you letter is getting you results, DO NOT change a word on it. I will also be the first to tell you that if you are not satisfied with the amount of responses your letter is generating, be open to revise it. Fair enough? A thank you letter allows you the opportunity to thank the interviewer, reiterate the position you are applying for, why you are the best candidate and provide follow up contact information. A thank you letter is part of the business strategy on the path towards obtaining employment. Every job seeker should have and use a thank you letter. It will distinguish you from all other's. The thank you letter advice I am about to share with you are suggestions. You can decide to use some, all or none of it. Let's Begin. 1. You should never have a generic thank you letter pre-written, on your person ready to be handed to the interviewer right then and there immediately following the interview. Yes I did have a client who did just that and no it did not work in his favor. 2. A thank you letter should be send no later than two days after the interview. This is part of the strategy to keep your name in front of the interviewer. Out of sight out of mind. Right? 3. Keep it one page. 4. A thank you letter is part of your job business plan of action. It will distinguish you over those that do not follow up with a thank you. It goes a long way in reducing the competition in the eyes of the interviewer. 5. It states that you are a professional and not afraid to go the extra mile. 6. It affords you the opportunity to include information that is pertinent to the position that was not introduced at the interview. 7. The thank you letter should have an introduction, body and a conclusion that calls for action. Thank all of you that have written to thank me for the job ready strategies I have provided you. As the saying goes," a thousand mile journey begins with a first step." Let's begin your journey of employment together. REMEMBER: YOU CAN'T CHANGE DESTINY OVER NIGHT BUT YOU CAN CHANGE DIRECTION OVER NIGHT...THOUGHTS, COMMENTS, QUESTIONS...CONTACT MICHAEL CORITSIDIS, LONG ISLAND'S JOB READY STRATEGIST at: doit2001@hotmail.com

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