10 Tips to Writing Your Vows!
One of the most daunting tasks that a couple will face when preparing for their wedding is writing their vows. This can be a challenge as both parties struggle to find just the right words to convey how they feel about each other and how they want to vow themselves to each for the rest of their lives. This takes a lot of careful thought and consideration, and if not gone about the right way, can be a point of contention between the happy couple. Take a look at these tips for writing your vows!
1. Make Sure You Can: Some preachers and churches don’t allow for personal vows; just ask whoever is presiding over your ceremony to give you the all clear.
2. Set the Mood: Some couples have a very different idea of what their vows should be like. Some want to make it funny while the other might want to go for a more romantic vibe, just make sure everyone is on the same page so there aren’t any unpleasant surprises.
3. Get Started: Don’t leave your vows till the last minute! Some are very freaked out at the idea of writing vows and they put them off to as late as possible. Take a deep breath, sit down, and write the first things that come to mind.
4. Take Advantage: Just because you are writing a personal vow doesn’t mean that you have to come up with everything on your own. Look to books and poetry for inspiration. As long as it conveys what you want to say then you’re golden!
5. Stick to Basics: Don’t stray to far from the basics when looking for inspiration. Think about what made you fall in love with your significant other to begin with. Build off these feelings for the best inspiration you can get!
6. Give Yourself a Due Date: To prevent yourself from waiting till right before the wedding to complete your vows, give yourself a date to have them done by. This will give you the motivation you need to finish them up.
7. Be Courteous: While you might be tempted to use a bunch of inside jokes and personal moments in your vows, be aware of your audience. They are not going to understand all those cute little instances that only you and your fiancé know. Make sure to write vows that everyone will enjoy.
8. Promises: The most important thing your future spouse will want to hear in your vows is your promises for the future. Make promises that you know you will be able to keep and that you know your spouse needs to hear. Making promises you can make good on will be a cornerstone of your marriage.
9. Avoid Clichés: While you may feel the urge to be as cutesy as possible, clichés are something that no one wants to hear, especially your spouse. Stick to things that come straight from heart.
10. Practice: This can no be stressed enough! Practice your vows before you say them for real to make sure they sound right. Nothing is worse then saying your vows for the first time at your wedding and realizing how terrible they sound at loud.