
How to Keep Those Pesky Bugs at Bay This Summer

Written by Kelly Tenny  |  06. June 2014

Whether you’re trying to enjoy a nice night out by the fire pit without being attacked by biting bugs or struggling to keep the little critters from entering your home, bugs can be a huge problem during the warmer months. Long Island is no stranger to this bug problem. Ants, ticks, fruit flies, and mosquitoes are some of the major summer time culprits. Apart from just being a plain nuisance, bugs can also carry diseases that are transmittable to humans.

Though many people choose to go the bug spray route, there are varying solutions to your bug infestation problems, and bug bite woes. Aside from chemical means there are plenty of homemade bug repellant solutions and natural fixes. Preventative measures can also very helpful when it comes to warding away those insects. If the problem in your home persists and becomes unmanagable you may need to call an exterminator.

  • Seal Everything Up – Bugs can get in through the smallest nooks and crannies of your home which is why making sure everything is snug, and properly sealed is so important. Be sure to check problem areas like doors, windows, and the area where the AC is installed, for openings that need sealing. Installing screens will help also.
  • Put Food Away – Do not leave open food out on the counters or crumbs on the floor, you’re just asking for some bugs to start feasting on your food remnants. Make sure all food is in a sealed container and that you clean up after yourself after eating as best you can.
  • Remove Stagnant Water – To keep your backyard from becoming a bug collector dump any buckets, or planters that have old water in them. Keep them upside down while not in use. The stagnant water attracts mosquitoes so the less you have around the better.
  • DEET Based Bug Repellents – This chemical based bug repellent masks your scent so bugs cannot find you to bite. There are varying DEET concentrations on the market, 30% being the maximum and providing approximately 6 hours of bite protection.
  • Natural Remedies – Some people swear by natural remedies like chewing on garlic cloves, rubbing onion on your skin, and orange peels. Try planting some mint and rosemary in your garden. It will keep the bugs away and be great to use for cooking!
  • Nix Perfume And Colognes – Stop yourself before you decide to spritz yourself with your favorite scent on the way out the door. That very scent will attract some unwanted attention, bug attention!

Do you have any bug repellant tips of your own? Feel free to share!

[Source: Farmers Almanac, Reader's Digest]

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