Camp is a big part of of many kids summers. Luckily, in addition to having many great camps on the island, there are different camps that kids go to over the summer and different ways to prepare for each camp your kids are going to.
The types of camps that kids can go to can be simply day camp where they come home everyday and sleep away camps where they go away for a few weeks. Both camps have their positives and negatives, ultimately, it is up to your schedule and your kid's comfort level which camp they decide to go to.
Either way, day or sleep away, there are many ways to prepare kids for camp to ensure they have a safe and fun time. So check out out tips to preparing your kids for camp:
- Sunscreen: Kids are going to be out in the sun and need plenty of sunscreen. For sleep away, be sure to have your child pack multiple bottles to last.
- Sunglasses: Eyes are just as important as skin and need to be properly protected.
- Water/Sports Drinks: Hydration is very important with all the activities kids will have, so make sure they have plenty of water bottles and/or sports drinks with electrolytes. Avoid too many sugary drinks since those drinks do not hydrate.
- Medication/Allergies: Make sure you let the camps know about any medication or allergies your child may have. Do not keep these secret or private from the camps. Although your child maybe responsible and take care of their medication themselves, this is advice meant to help in the unlikely event of an emergency.
- Label All Belongings: Clothing, electronics, bags, and everything you bring to camp need to be labeled. There are a lot of children that go to camp with similar items, so, to avoid lost or stolen items, writing your child's name and maybe phone/bunk/address on it will ensure you will return home with everything.
- Leave Expensive Items at Home: Electronics are generally not allowed at many camps and having them might make them a victim to theft or losing the items. At sleep away camps, electronic use and cellphone use is prohibited as to have children focus on their activities rather than their devices. Expensive jewelry and clothes should be left home as well.
- Camp Clothes: Kids are going to be active. Clothes should be made of a breathable fabric and not too clingy. Additionally, expensive clothes are unnecessary and should be left home to ensure the clothes go not get ruined.
- Stationary: Particularly at sleep away camp, kids will not be on the phone with their parents, but letter are allowed. Be sure to give kids plenty of stationary and stamps so they can write letter to you and other members of their family.
- Pictures: Your kids are going to miss you if they are going away, so pack a few pictures of the family to help them deal with the transition of being away from home.
- Money: For both day and sleep away camps, ensure that your child has money for trips. Do not give them too much and avoid giving them credit/debit cards unless they can be adjusted and loaded by you. If those cards go missing or get stolen, you want to ensure, particularly if a travel camp, there is only a small amount of money available a theft can get their hands on.
How do you and your kids prepare for camp? Your child going to the Long Island camp? Tell us in the comments below!