Summertime is a time for bliss and relaxation. It's a time for us to renew our ability to be free and happy. The responsibilities of the universe naturally lessen and we created opportunities to enjoy freedom.
What is a perfect day? A day is perfect when we do what we want to do. That sounds selfish, perhaps, but sometimes doing what we want to do is doing something that's best for someone else and sometimes it's doing what is best for us. Too much of either provides an imbalance that is difficult to operate happily within. When we think about what we really want to do in a given day, we realize that it's hard to decide. We are so conditioned to do what has to be done, or to do what others want, or to do only what we want at the expense of others and responsibility.
Perhaps there's a perfect place in the middle of these three conditions. Maybe it means giving a little personal time up for the benefit of someone we love or maybe it means spending a little more time alone because we forever are working toward making others happy. There's a possibility that a perfect day means taking time off completely from responsibility. The only one who knows for sure what our perfect day is - is each of us.
Define your perfect day and, better yet, live it. Decide if it's alone or together with others. Decide if it means paying some bills or earning money. Does it mean being outdoors or playing on the computer? Define your perfect day and then choose one day this summer and live it. If it means time alone, please explain your desire to those you love in way that will allow them to want to support you, then reward their support by helping them achieve their perfect days.
Have a wonderful summer and a perfect day every day.