Two Key New York Issues-

There are two key issues being promoted by Governor Andrew Cuomo that on merit, should be passed into law this week. First, the 2 percent property tax increase cap. This can't become law soon enough, ...

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There are two key issues being promoted by Governor Andrew Cuomo that on merit, should be passed into law this week. First, the 2 percent property tax increase cap. This can't become law soon enough, as far as I'm concerned. New Yorkers, and Long Islanders specifically, need certainty. We can no longer withstand the pressures of run away taxes. I have lived in my home for 23 years, and my property taxes have increased 400 percent. I wish my pay would have increased 400 percent. Or the quality of my children's education. But neither is the case. The argument often made against the cap is the impact on the schools. Well, I don't want to be insensitive, but isn't it time for school districts to be run like a business. If my business doesn't do as well, we have to work with it. School district administrators will have to stay within their means. Teachers unions will have to stay within their means. It only make good sense. This prospective law would give homeowners a chance to catch up following years of bleeding. Our home values are down yet our expenses keep going up. Thank you Governor Cuomo for thinking of us. The second issue before the New York Senate is the issue of gay marriage. Enough already. In poll after poll, Americans keep on insisting that they don't care. Why do our politicians keep shoving social laws down our throat? Really, whether you agree with gay marriage or not, is it that important to you that we regulate who someone loves? Not only that, but don't we have more important issues to deal with? In one instance, we need additional laws to reel in local governments from bleeding their citizens dry. In the second case, we need laws to free up a class of citizens so they can live their lives as they please. These laws need to be passed because it's only fair.