Oceanside Teen Seeks Community Support
My name is Mindy Gantman and I grew up here on Long Island in the town of Oceanside, New York. I am 16 years old and will be entering my junior year at Castleton Academy in Oceanside in the Fall.
I was fortunate enough to be selected as an official entrant for the Miss New York Teen USA® Pageant 2009. I was selected from many qualified applicants to participate as an official entrant by the NY State committee.
The 2009 MISS NEW YORK USA® and MISS NEW YORK TEEN USA® state event will be held on the weekend of November 28-30, 2008 at the Crowne Plaza Hotel located in our state capital of Albany, New York. The winner of the Miss New York Teen USA® is selected as our representative in the Miss Teen USA® Pageant.
I look forward to representing Long Island in this prestigious competition but, I need your help.
To enter the pageant there is a sponsorship fee of $999. This money helps to defray the cost of expenses incurred during the weekend pageant. I am in search of sponsors to help offset this cost. Every little bit helps and brings me one step closer to achieving my goals.
Sponsors receive recognition as a MISS NEW YORK TEEN USA® Pageant Sponsor in the official pageant program book. Donations are tax-deductible as an advertising expense for business owners.
Additionally, this is a rare opportunity to be involved with a program that emphasizes good values and hard work. The pageant has a tradition of spotlighting positive role models for today's young people.
Being a part of this pageant means a lot more to me than just a prize or a trophy. Overcoming challenges, taking pride in our community and a sense of accomplishment are core values that I have learned growing up here on Long Island.
For more information on becoming one of my sponsor, please drop me an email
Every little bit helps and brings me one step closer to achieving my goal and making my dreams more of a reality.
Thank you, - Mindy