U.S. Life Insurance Activity Up In May
In 2011, life insurance applications were up during the month of March. Exact reasons as to why the increase occurred cannot be identified; however, many life insurance experts claim people finally understand the importance of a life insurance policy. According to the MIB Life Index, a +.6 percent year-over-year increase was endured during March, as well as a +1.1 percent increase when compared to application activity taking place in February 2011 (PR Newswire, 2011).
Many uninsured Americans have been able to understand the importance of life insurance by visiting www.termvsannuityinsurance.com The website provides helpful tools, allowing people to easily obtain a life insurance quote, perform a life insurance compare, and purchase a plan that is customized to their life circumstances.
Individual situations determine life insurance needs. Unless a person is not responsible for any dependents or does not generate a significant amount of income, most likely, he or she should opt with life insurance coverage. With so many women and men equally contributing to their family income in today's society, it is easy to see why both mothers and fathers of a family take out individual or family life plans. People are finally realizing that life insurance is needed on both adults within a family, not just one.
Many people, especially parents, have opted for obtaining a life insurance compare and purchasing a plan due to increased children college tuition costs. At one time, it was not that difficult for a child to pay for their own college tuition costs if a parent became deceased; however, in today's economy, many children are unable to attend college unless their parents provide them with funds. Seeing the need for financial funds, parents are protecting their children by purchasing a life plan.
Deciding what type of life insurance policy to purchase is often stressful and difficult; however, many people have turned to www.termvsannuityinsurance.com for help and to obtain a life insurance quote. Term vs. Annuity has helped a large number of people in determining what type of policy can best fit their needs, as well as how much coverage is needed.
Some people find it hard to believe there was an increase in life insurance applications during March, especially since so many employers are beginning to offer group life insurance plans. However, the truth is, people are realizing these policies offered through their employers do not provide adequate coverage, causing them to turn to other insurance providers in addition to their employer sponsored plans. All persons with an employer sponsored plan should identify exactly what their policy provides. This helps in deciding if an additional policy is needed.
When it comes to purchasing a life insurance plan, all persons should remember there are plenty of tools they can utilize which will help them make informed decisions. The necessity of a life insurance is not something to be overlooked, making it all the more important to visit www.termvsannuityinsurance.com It never hurts to ask for help when making important decisions. Term vs. annuity is there to help.
PR Newswire & MIB Group, Inc. (2011, April 20).Mib life index reports u.s. life insurance activity up slightly in march. Retrieved from http://www.myfoxal.com/story/14484044/mib-life-index-reports-us-life-insurance-activity-up-slightly-in-march