Time to Revisit those New Year's Resolutions with Half of the Year Gone!


Make the second half of the year count.

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With the excitement of July 4th and the long holiday weekend, the significance of July 1st was overshadowed.  July 1st is the 182nd day of the year on the calendar. There are 183 days remaining until the end of the year. July 1st marks Second Half of the Year Day – a chance to step back, evaluate your year so far with your goals and objectives, and to take action to get back on track if necessary.

Can you believe that half of 2013 is now behind us?  It is a great time to revisit your New Year's resolutions.  How have you done? Well its not too late to give it another try. The year’s only 1/2 over, and ever the optimist, there’s still time to kick yourself in the butt and get back in line. Just remember…Today is the first day of the rest of your life!   Do a quick review of your progress. If it means you reassess, or — let's be honest — come up with an express plan for doing twelve months' worth of stuff in the span of six months, so be it. The point is: You're not off the hook for 2013.

How did you do with keeping those family resolutions?  How did your kids do in school this year?  Many children forget some of what they've learned or slip out of practice during the summer months. It is a great time to work on the subjects that were difficult for them.  Don't let them be victims of summer slide. 

From football, we get the concept of using the half-time break to reset strategy for the second half; it’s an opportunity to think through the endgame, and get things right. Just take time this week to reflect, if not celebrate.

In the meantime, relax, walk barefoot in the sand, catch fireflies and enjoy the rest of 2013!