The American Heart Association is a national voluntary health agency whose mission is: "Building healthier lives, free of cardiovascular diseases and stroke.
The association's impact goal is, by 2020, to improve the cardiovascular health of all Americans by 20 percent while reducing deaths from cardiovascular diseases and stroke by 20 percent.
Since 1949, the American Heart Association has grown rapidly in size, financial resources, involvement with medical and non-medical volunteers, and public awareness, both nationally and internationally. The AHA moved the National Center from New York City to Dallas in 1975 to better serve affiliates and local divisions nationwide. The volunteer-led affiliates and their divisions form a national network of local AHA organizations involved in providing research, education, and community programs and in raising money to support the association's work. The network continues to gain strength as it expands at the grass-roots level.
The AHA completed significant internal changes between 1980 and 1986, allowing it to reach the public with a louder, clearer voice. During the next eight years, the association became a much more visible champion of public health. The AHA also developed guidelines for the nation's healthcare system and supported the federal government's attempt to improve access to healthcare. At the same time, the AHA continued to strengthen its internal programs and its internal management. The association revised its mission statement and focused its planning in three areas: cardiovascular science, cardiovascular education and community programs, and fund raising efforts. Achievements included stricter research standards, new healthcare site modules, and development of several new cookbooks. Large gifts allowed the AHA to support new research projects, move all scientific staff into efforts to include more women and minorities in the leadership ranks began to pay off by the late 1980s, resulting in more efforts to understand the effects of heart disease one building, and sponsor creative professional education programs. and stroke on women and minorities.
Presenting Tournament Sponsor $8,000
(Limited to two Sponsors - exclusive by industry)
8 Tournament playing spots including tee gift bags
8 Dinner & Open Bar tickets
Celebrated Golfer/Celebrated Companion at event
Full Page Acknowledgement on back cover of event program
Company Logo & Link to your company website on Memorial Website
Plaque recognizing your sponsor ship contribution
Opportunity to set up a booth/display at both locations of event in order to display promotional materials and/or provide product samples
Opportunity to provide promotional brochures in players gift bags
Corporate name/logo incorporated in all events promotional materials.
5 On course Tee signs
Souvenir photos of foursomes
Company Advertised as a premier Sponsor on ALL event Advertising
Eagle Sponsor $5,000
(Limited to four sponsors)
8 Tournament playing spots including tee gift bags
8 Dinner & Open Bar tickets
Company Logo & Link to your company website on Memorial Website
½ page acknowledgment in event program
3 On course tee signs
Opportunity to set up a booth/display at golf course in order to display promotional materials and/or provide product samples
Opportunity to provide promotional brochures in players gift bags
Plaque recognizing your sponsor ship contribution
Company Logo & Link to your company website on Memorial Website
Souvenir photos of foursomes
Birdie Sponsor $3,500
(Limited to four sponsors)
4 Tournament playing spots including tee gift bags
4 Dinner & Open Bar tickets
Company Logo & Link to your company website on Memorial Website
¼ page acknowledgment in event program
2 On course tee signs
Opportunity to provide promotional brochures in players gift bags
Plaque recognizing your sponsor ship contribution
Company Logo on Memorial Website
 Souvenir photos of foursomes
Media Sponsor $5,000.00
8 Tournament playing spots including tee gift bags and 8 additional tickets for dinner.
Company Logo Logo & Link to your company website on Memorial Website
½ page acknowledgment in event program
3 On course tee signs
Corporate name/logo incorporated in all events promotional materials.
Plaque recognizing your sponsor ship contribution
Opportunity to set up a booth/display at golf course in order to display promotional materials and/or provide product samples
Opportunity to provide promotional brochures in players gift bags
Specialty Sponsor recognition in tournament program
Souvenir photos of foursomes
Beverage Cart Sponsor $2,500
One team in the tournament (4 player slots)
4 Dinner and open Bar tickets
Sponsor logo on beverage cart and stations
Opportunity to host prize-activity at beverage stations Specialty Sponsor recognition on event signage
Specialty Sponsor recognition in tournament program
Souvenir photos of foursomes
Golf Cart/Bag Sponsor $3,500
(Limited to three industry exclusive sponsors)
(Limited to three industry exclusive sponsors)
One team in the tournament (4 player slots)
4 Dinner & Open Bar Tickets
Sponsor logo on all participant gift bags and golf carts Opportunity to provide one insert for the gift bags
Specialty Sponsor recognition on event signage Specialty Sponsor recognition in tournament program Team photo for each player
Food Sponsor $2,500
One team in the tournament (4 player slots)
4 Dinner and open Bar tickets
Sponsor logo on beverage cart and stations
Opportunity to host prize-activity at beverage stations Specialty Sponsor recognition on event signage
Specialty Sponsor recognition in tournament program
Souvenir photos of foursomes
DATE: August 10th, 2011
TIME: Registration at 9:00 AM. First Tee-off at 9:30 AM
PLACE: Hamlet Willow Creek Golf & Country Club
One Clubhouse Drive
Mt. Sinai, New York 11766
Dinner & Entertainment 4:30 PM
Dublin Deck
325 River Avenue
Patchogue, New York 11772
ENTRY FEE: $150.00(includes: green fees, cart, food during tournament & Dinner)
Payment Due July 25, 2011.
Send Check payable to TeamPSA or call to pay by credit card or cash.
Format: Tournament will be played in Scramble with 4-person teams.
If you do not enter a team list, you will be placed with others
Procedure: This will be a description of how the chosen format is played.
(Include: rules, scoring, etc.)
Handicap: Please submit your approx. score for 18-holes
(To ensure teams are evenly matched)
Cancelation Policy:
1. If golf tournament is canceled due to weather or other events, player will receive a full refund
2. If player cancels, 48-hour notice is required to receive 50% of entry fee
3. If player is a "no-show", entry fee is non-refundable.
NAME: __________________________________________
COMPANY: __________________________________________
ADDRESS: __________________________________________
TELEPHONE: __________________________________________
EMAIL: __________________________________________
SCORE FOR 18-HOLES: ___________________
Each Player will receive a free T-shirt! (Please indicate size below)
Club Rental ($25.00) No Yes Left Right (circle your choices)
Team Members:
Player 1 Name: _____________________________________
Player 2 Name: _____________________________________
Player 3 Name: ______________________________________
Player 4 Name: ______________________________________