Forget Sundance! There are tons of film festivals right here on Long Island that are sure to please local cinephiles. Millions of moviegoers attend festivals throughout the world, but with all of the festivals right here on Long Island, there’s no need to travel too far.
Many of these festivals were made by Long Islanders and filmed right here in the area. You may see a familiar face in some movies, and you will almost certainly see some well-known Long Island landmarks.
Film festivals don’t just showcase feature-length films. You can also see documentaries, short films and animated films. These festivals allow new and independent filmmakers to show their films to the public.
Many filmmakers from around the world submit their movies to these festivals, and don’t be surprised if you see a few celebrities at these events.
Be sure to check out the websites for these festivals. Almost all of the festivals charge admission, and with the number of people attending these shows, you may need to purchase tickets in advance.
July 12 - July 17
July 13 - July 20
July 17 - July 26
August 1
August 16
July 24, July 27 and August 21
November 3 - November 9